14. The Gig Part 2

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"Hey, Luke, wake up." She says.

"Five more minutes." I groan, dragging out the "minutes."

"C'mon Luke, you gotta get up. It's already 3. The gig is at 7. We need to practice some more." She says.

"But Jules, I'm tired." I sigh.

"Haven't we practiced enough? I'm all practiced out." I whine.

I hear her giggle and then I turn to my other side.

"We'll I'm going to without you then, because I need it." She says.

I say with my eyes closed and in a tired voice. "Trust me Jules. You don't need more any practice. You're perfect just the way you are." I hear her walk over to me and then she kisses my forehead.

"Okay, I'll let you sleep. I know how you can get." She says giggling.

"Hey, what's that supposed to mean?!" I say, immediately sitting up.

She laughs, throwing her head back. She looked so adorable. I went over and sat next to her. I place my hands on the piano, and so does she. Our fingers move perfectly in sync. We just play random chords and it sounded beautiful.

We do this for about an hour. So we still have 3 hours to kill. So we decide to walk the streets of Hollywood and stop in a few stores along the side of the sidewalks.

"This is nice. We should do this more often." She says, while holding my hand and skipping.

I laugh and say "Maybe we should."

We do this for about two hours, just walking together and holding hands. Then we head back to the studio. I grab my guitar and put it in my case and Julie grabs her mic with her cute little doodles on it, including the cupcake that was added to her collection on my birthday.

"Hey Reg, Alex! Come on, we gotta go!" I yell.

They come into the studio a couple seconds later. Reggie packs his guitar in his case, and Alex grabs his drumsticks.

We all get in Julie's car. Oh I forgot, Julie got her drivers license a week ago, and bought a car using her money she saved from her past birthdays I assume and from her part-time job at the coffee shop.

We blast "Now or Never" on the radio and sing it at the top of our lungs.

After the song is over we pull into the parking lot of the little bar.

We go in through the back and lug our instruments to the stage. We set up and start tuning our guitars and Julie and Alex play around and warmup.

Then before we know we are rocking out to Julie and the Phantoms songs and the crowd is going wild. Even though the crowd is only made up of about 50 people, they are still loving us.

We play Finally Free to start it off. Then we play Bright. We play three more songs in the order of Flying Solo, Perfect Harmony, and Stand Tall.

For Perfect Harmony, it was just Julie and I singing and the boys played really quietly so the crowd could really hear our instruments.

We finish our little mini concert and people are throwing roses and dollar bills on the stage. I pick up one of the roses and give it to Julie. She just laughs and takes it and kisses me on the cheek on our way off the stage. We can hear the crowd "ooh"ing.

Julie side-hugs Reggie and Alex. Then she comes over to me and hugs me. While she's hugging me she whispers something in my ear. "Thanks for the rose, babe." I just hug her tighter.

We head back to the studio and before we go to bed, I need to tell Julie something. So I grab her hand and she turns around.

"Hey." She says with a smile.

"Hey, I need to tell you something."

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