Chapter VII: Bella

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"But I never did ANYTHING you were told I did. I killed the vampires who killed those people, I didn't kill them, the vampires did. People are scared of me because I'm different, I mean how many times did you see a huge long furred black wolf with blue eyes? Never, you never saw one, that's why they call me the black demon. They call me the wild one because I lived among the wolves my whole life, they raised me. But I can guarantee you something sir. I will protect your son with my life. Always" She said to my father, her southern accent showing more than ever. Well I mean, maybe it worked maybe it didn't but either it did or not, he was gonna have to accept it sooner or later.

He looked at her in disbelief "So you never killed anyone? You actually did the work the pack should be doing every night and on top of that you protect orphan cubs with your life? " He asked. She nodded and looked at me waiting for me to say it but I couldn't tell him yet, he had to know everything else first.

"And what do you mean with you'll protect my son with your life? It's not like you imprinted or anything and you just met him right? " He asked. Shit. Sky looked from me to him trying to make me tell him but I couldn't, it was too much then suddenly I heard something running towards us, the cubs had jumped out of bed and were running towards us.

Before I could do anything they ran into Sky's bad leg. She closed her eyes to not scream and started collapsing to the ground. I catched her quickly and sat her on a chair.

I grabbed the cubs and put them back into the room locking it on my way out so they couldn't get back out.

I ran back to Sky "are you ok? Do you need anything? " I asked panicking a bit seeing her pale face. She smiled weakly at me "it's ok Jake, I'm fine" She answered in a soft voice.

Then I looked in my father's direction. He was looking at us with a confused look. "What is this between you two? Jacob you looked like you were hit by a train when she collapsed wha- " He stopped talking abruptly when realisation hit him "you Imprinted.. You both imprinted on each other. How did I not see that before?" He asked increduoscly and I couldn't tell if it was from Happiness or angriness but I couldn't care less.

Suddenly I heard someone knocking at the door. Sky froze, she had smelled something. "It's a human but she smells like the Cullens.. What the hell." She said.

Bella. She had seen me in the rain with the tattoo and short hair the day before, she had come to visit me because I hadn't spoke to her in a week. I didn't want Sky to go through drama right now so I told my dad to leave it.

Suddenly Sky's eyes widened. "Jake... She slapped Paul across the face I think.. Sam is trying to keep him under control" She said. This is gonna be bad.

Then in a flash she stood up, ignoring her pain she ran out the door.

I followed her outside to realize Paul had turned and Bella was running from him. Not hesitating a split second Sky jumped over Bella, shifted mid air and attacked Paul.

She ran into the forest leading him away. I tried to run after her but Sam didn't let me "SAM SHE'S HURT!" I yelled but he didn't let me run after them "JACOB! she's gonna be fine, she's strong! Now take care of that crazy girl over there! We're taking her to Emily's place, that's where they'll come to look for us when Sky managed to calm him down"

Hesitating I turned around, helped Bella up and led her to her truck.

"What the hell is going on?" Bella finally broke the silence when we were mid way to Emily's place.

"Well what do you think Bella?! That girl over there saved your dumb ass from being destroyed by Paul! She was shot few hours back and still decided to save you!" I snapped at her. I didn't mean it to come out so rudely but I couldn't help it. She was such an idiot.

"Why do you even care so much Jacob?!" She practically yelled at me. "BECAUSE BELLA. SHE IS MY FUCKING LIFE SO DO US ALL A FAVOUR AND SHUT THE FUCK UP" I yelled at her. Jared and Embry both looked back at us from the front seats with a smirk on they're faces.

"You never told us you imprinted " Jared spoke up. I rolled my eyes at him and replied annoyed "it's not like you'd care and I wanted to avoid this situation"

Bella was staring at me in disbelief. "So THAT'S why you've been avoiding me?! Because she might get jealous or something?! " She asked angrily. That idiot.

"Bella, you are such an idiot sometimes. If she would be jealous she wouldn't have saved your arse would she? And honestly, she has no reason to be jealous 'cause she knows we're just friends, she could smell from miles away if I was lying! She lived her whole life with wolves God dammit! She can smell anything, fear, love, lies, anger. How do you think she reacted so quickly to save you?! She heard and smelled it! And she trusts me, she knows I'd never do that to her so no, that was not the reason. At all" I snapped back at her.

The rest of the ride was quiet. Nobody spoke a word until we arrived in front of Emily's place.

We got in to see that Emily had baked some muffins

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We got in to see that Emily had baked some muffins. Jared and Embry sat down and started to eat eagerly, Sam went to greet her imprint and Bella just sat there at the table.

I just stood there by the window panicking about what could've happened to the love of my life.

"So you're the girl who got Paul so angry? You know if Sky gets back in a worse state she already was, you better run 'cause Jacob here might have just found his next meal" Emily jokingly said to Bella but she took it seriously and shot me a worried glance.

I was still staring out the window when I heard footsteps outside. I turned around to see a limping Sky jokingly pushing a laughing Paul.

A wave of relief ran through me. The moment she set foot in the house I ran towards her and hugged her tight not wanting to ever let go.

"It's ok Jake, I'm alright, I'm ok don't worry" She whispered. When she pulled back she kissed me softly, I kissed back and we went to sit down with the rest.

"Who won? " Jared asked excited. The answer was obvious but I guess he wanted to make sure. "Are you seriously asking? I did, obviously" Sky answered pushing Paul playfully "it's not like it's the first time is it? He'll have to train hard for years if he ever wants to beat me" She continued.

Bella was staring at her with disgust for some reason and Sky seemed to have noticed too "And what the hell is your problem miss problematic? You know I just saved your ass right? I can guarantee you that Paul isn't strong enough to beat me but he sure is to beat you or any of your vampire friends" She said to her coldly. Bella shot her a death stare "You know what you did? You stole Jacob from me! He is my friend and you can't take him from me like that! I don't care if you saved me or not! And how did you even know about the vampires?! " She yelled at her. I had enough with that, I stood up and started to walk towards Bella but then I heard someone limp towards me and I felt a hand on my chest stopping me. "Jake no, it's fine, it's fine let her be, she's stupid and we can't do anything about it, just let her do whatever she wants, come here" She said giving me a huge hug.

I immediately felt myself calm down and I held her close.

"And that's the second time she saves your ass in 1 hour time Bella, I think you should leave now" Emily said laughing.


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