Chapter XI: Scars

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"So we all agree that Sky is our new alpha then? " Jared asked but more confirmed. The whole pack nodded and my heart skipped a beat. This wasn't as good as they all said it was... She would be the one that would have to lead them, sacrifice herself if necessary... This was bad.

After that I took her outside. "Love... You know what it means right? You could die! " I said holding tears back. She looked at me. "Jake love... They need an alpha and I promised him I would protect them... And I will. I'll protect them with my life if necessary... But you know that it's not that easy to kill me right? I was shot many times believe it or not, I was bitten by a lot of wolves, I was abandoned in the middle of the woods as a BABY... But I'm alive ain't I? I'm alive, still fighting, and I'm not planning on breaking a promise anytime soon alright? " She replied, I knew she was holding back tears, I could see it and I felt it.

Everyday the imprint bond was getting stronger. Now, every time she got hurt I felt it, every time she felt sad or angry I felt it, we could feel anything that happened to the other.

I couldn't hold back anymore. A single tear rolled down my face, I hugged her as thight as possible and held her like that for awhile, she felt my sadness and tried to comfort me by brushing her hand through my hair. Leaning my head against her shoulder I finally said what I should've said long ago "I love you so much, you can't even imagine. You're the strongest, smartest, most beautiful, caring person I'll ever meet... I don't know what I'd do without you. And... I wanted to thank you for everything you've done for me and for all of us... You were always there from the moment I shifted and I couldn't thank you enough"

She smiled brightly and kissed me. I kissed back holding her cheek. Suddenly we heard a growl coming from inside the house. Before I could stop her she sprinted into the house. When I catched up I could see her standing away by a little distance from Paul which was shaking in anger and about to shift.

"Paul... Listen to me... I know all of this is a lot... I know you're angry you couldn't save him.... I know you're angry at that son of a bitch of a hunter... But you need to calm down before you hurt anyone... Because I know you will regret it for life... " She said stepping closer. I tried to stop her but Jared and Quil stopped me from going closer to the whole situation.

I saw Paul shaking more and more. Seth came closer to try and help but got too close. It seemed like everything happened in slow motion. Seth came closer, Paul shifted. He was about to scratch Seth in the face while shifting but Sky jumped in front of him. I felt my heart stop for a split second.

Sly was about to pass out but was still standing in front of a scared to death Seth. She yelled at Paul to get out. The moment he ran off she collapsed but Seth catched her. I ran over to her, took over from Seth and looked at her face. Three huge deep cuts created by Paul's claws crossing her whole right side of her face beginning right above her eyes and ending halway down her neck. Luckily it wasn't deep enough to injure her too badly but the scratches would definitely stay for life.

"Jared, Embry go get something desinfect the wound. Quil, get some cloth. Now" I said. They all ran off to get what I asked for. Seth tried to come closer making me unconsciously release a light growl which made him jump back.

I muttered a quick sorry and he came closer. "I'm so sorry Jake... I was trying to help... But she jumped in front of me" He said shakily "I know Seth it's not your fault, don't worry, nobody blames you. It's nobody's fault. Not even Paul's, we all know how he is and she decided to try and calm him down, which is so brave of her. That's it. So don't blame yourself."

Few hours later, Sky was all patched up and woken up. As soon as she woke up I held her close to my chest. She smiled at me but then suddenly jumped up. "What about Paul?! Where did he go? Did anyone at least tried to find him?! " She asked worried. We all looked at her and then at the floor. "Great. I'll go looking for him. Y'all need to get sorted what to do with Sam's body, go talk with Emily" Sky said. I was about to follow her but she stopped me "Don't... Jake" She said before shifting and running off.

Seth put a hand on my shoulder and told me to relax, that she'd be fine. He didn't really seemed to believe himself but I followed him into the house anyways.

We had talked with Emily and she had made the decision to burry him in an honorable funeral. We all nodded. Seth and Leah took off to their homes to make the invitations, Embry, Jared and Quil also went to their own homes to get themselves cleaned up and then patrol while I waited next to Emily for Sky to come back, hopefully with Paul.

Hours passed by and I was pacing nervously across the room. "You haven't heard anything from them did you Em? " I asked Emily when she came back from a quick walk on the beach, she shook her head and I continued pacing around when I heard quick and heavy footsteps coming closer, but those weren't human.

I ran out the door with Emily on my tail and stopped right in place when I saw a huge black wolf with blue eyes and three big scars across it's face coming closer to me

I ran out the door with Emily on my tail and stopped right in place when I saw a huge black wolf with blue eyes and three big scars across it's face coming closer to me

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With a grey sort of brown wolf behind her

With a grey sort of brown wolf behind her

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I sighed in relief. She had managed to get him back. I ran to the black wolf which immediately turned back into her human form in which you could see the big, still bloody scars on her face and neck. I hugged her lifting her up a bit and when she pulled back from the hug I kissed her, she kissed back and then I turned to Paul which had also turned back human.

"You are VERY lucky Quil and Jared held me back 'cause if not you'd already be dead! And I'm still thinking about leaving you live with it or not! " I nearly yelled at him. I started walking towards him growling but Sky held me back putting a hand on my chest. "JAKE calm down. I'm fine! No need to ripp his head off" She stated but in fact, she wasn't fine.

"Look at your face Sky, you have three huge scars on it! How are we gonna explain that to a human huh? And how am I supposed to live like that knowing Paul here did it and I did nothing to make him regret it?! " I nearly yelled almost letting my inner wolf take over.

"Jacob Black you cut it off and calm down RIGHT NOW!" She exclaimed looking at me with a serious look on her face. I glared at Paul but she made me turn my head back to look at her "If it's anyone's fault here it's mine! I stood in front of Seth. So now leave it. Paul already regrets it alright? So now. Leave. It. " She had never talked to me like that before which made me see she was getting upset so I muttered an apology to both of them and hugged her.


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