Chapter XXXV: Stop Comparing

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As soon as I was 100% sure that Kaya was in a deep sleep I put her on her bed gently, tucked her in a warm blanket and almost flied down the stairs to make sure Jake was okay.

"hey, how are you doing?" I asked, my voice soft as I walked closer to him. "don't worry I'll be fine, it's Kaya I'm more worried about" he replied with a weak smile as he shifted in his position so he could look at me. I sighed as I dropped onto a chair next to his. "she's been through so much and she's just a baby, she deserves so much better" I admitted hiding my face in the palms of my hands. "It's not your fault love, we're doing what we can to keep her out of all of this but we live in a complicated life" he tried reassuring me.

I slightly looked up at him. Maybe we had given her a family but we hadn't necessarily given her a better life and that's what worried me. "yeah but she's only 3 years old Jake" I put in, my voice shaky. "you were playing with plastic trucks and whatever humans play with at that age, not seeing your father get shot or having to grab onto a wolf's furr for hours so you won't fucking die" I then added before dropping my head back into my hands.

"maybe but where were you?" he then asked taking me a bit by surprise. "Skylar you were left to fend for yourself in the forest when you were only a baby, you had no family" Jake recalled.

"yeah well I had at one point!" I snapped looking up at him but quickly regretted it. "what? What do you mean?" he asked, clear confusion in his voice. "I had a family.. She was a vampire but she was everything I could ask for. She gained my trust, I let her into pack territory and she taught me everything I know. She stayed for 3 years but when she noticed my trust in her was growing so much she killed half the pack and left me to fend for myself, again. I was 12 when she left Jake. 12. And those 9 years that I spent with nothing but wolves weren't a game" I explained, my voice breaking multiple times. He just stared at me, his mouth hanging a bit open as if he wanted to say something but nothing came out.

"Jacob you've known me for like a year now and you're gonna tell me you never asked yourself where I learned how to talk, read, walk, eat properly, get dressed, god even shift without ripping my clothes? You never wondered why I never trust a vampire?" I asked incredulously. "Sky I-" he tried to say but I cut him off.

"her life isn't as hard as mine but sure as hell isn't what a 3 year old's life should look like Jacob, she's just a kid" I whispered after a minute of tense silence. "well atleast she has a family Skylar, I mean how many kids of her age doesn't even have that?" that's when I snapped completely.

"stop comparing her life with other kids lifes Jacob, that's not the point! Maybe she has a family but what she pays for it isn't normal! Do you even realise how hard this is being for her?! Her biological parents died, they never came back from war and when we gained her trust we deserted for days! You know what she asked me when I went to get her?"


"No don't you sky me, she asked me if we were gonna leave her again Jacob. She though we had abandoned her. And then she had to hang onto my furr for hours and had to see how you got shot!" he looked at me with a look of pity in his eyes. I slammed my hands on the table as I got up and walked through the front door.

I hated myself for snapping at Jacob like that, he never ment to make me upset or anything, he was just expressing his opinion.

"Sky..." I heard his soft voice behind me once I stopped walking, not 10 feet away from the house. "I'm sorry" I whispered, not turning around yet. "it's okay.. It's okay" he whispered back, putting his good arm around my waist from behind. I turned around and buried my head in his shoulder. "no it's not, it's not okay. It's not" I mumbled, my voice breaking in the progress. He knew that at this point no words would comfort me so he just held me close, leaning his chin on my head gently.

"I got you, we're gonna be okay" he murmured in an attempt to comfort me.

Few minutes later we were back inside. I was staring at the crackling fire that I had lit up in the fire place with Jake next to me. Both of us were exhausted both mentally and phisically but that wasn't a new feeling for us.

Even though I was exhausted I couldn't help myself but worry about what was going on back in forks. Were the packs safe? Were Paul and Lea not too overwhelmed by all the resonsability? Were there new threats? Was Jason okay?

Hundreds of questions that couldn't be answered from where we were ran through my head and I couldn't help but hope that I was just over thinking. I'm sure they'll be fine, I lied to myself.

"what are you thinking about?" Jake asked. "what if something happened?" I asked worriedly. "I'm sure they're fine Sky. Don't worry about that. Paul and Leah are great and they can handle it"

"yeah but what if they think we abandoned them? I'm their alpha Jake." I asked with the same worried tone. "Sky, they don't. They would never. They know how much pressure you were under and that you needed a break after everything" he assured but it didn't really help at all. "you can't know that" I whispered.

"yes I can. They love you Sky. You're like a big sister for Seth and Leah and a little sister to Paul. Embry considers you one of his best friends and so does Quil. Jared thinks of you as a sister as well even if he doesn't show it so much and you're like a daughter to Emily. They love you so much Skylar. All of them" he told me, his voice sounded so genuine that it almost Brought me into tears. I did find my little family.

I smiled over at him. This time it wasn't a sad smile or a fake one. It was a genuine smile, both happiness and relief showed in it and I knew that he understood it. He motioned for me to come over which I did. I scooted closer to him and as soon as out bodies made contact his good arm closed around me securely.

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