Chapter XIV: Lies

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"Hey girl! " I heard Sky say in a squeaky baby voice to a beautiful, young, white wolf.

Then the wolf jumped on her and started licking her face

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Then the wolf jumped on her and started licking her face. I laughed as I saw my imprint struggle to get the overexcited wolf off of her. When she managed to sit up  the wolf started growling at me.

I stepped back slowly "Snowflake no! He's good! " She nearly yelled panicked. Snowflake started running towards me growling. Before I could do anything Sky shifted and stood  in front of me growling. The tiny white wolf jumped back startled.

Sky looked at me and rubbed against me with her head still in her wolf form. I smiled at her and she looked back at snowflake growling softly at her. The white wolf layed down submitting herself and Sky turned back.

"Snow... That here is Jacob... He's my  imprint, he's good" She said dragging me by my hand to  the now curious little wolf. I sat on the ground infront of her and she came closer carefully. When she noticed that Sky's scent was mixed with mine she immediately  jumped on me licking  my face.

When I managed to get her off of me I looked in my imprint's direction which was  smiling at me with  sparkling eyes. "I knew  you'd get along eventually" She said helping me up  "I was a bit scared she would  bite  my  hand off honestly. If you hadn't stepped in I think that that would be what would've happened... Thanks" I replied giving her a hug. "No problem" She replied with a smile.

After about 3 hours of looking around their territory we decided it would be best to return to our pack before Seth made a stupid decision. We shifted  and started running into the forest when we saw snow running after us.

"She's not gonna let me leave without her" Sky said through our wolf telepathy "well then I guess she'll  have to come with us, she  can sleep in the dog house we got in the  backyard"  I replied, she agreed, thanked me and we continued running with snow on our tail.

When we were about 6 miles away from Emily's place I felt that something was up  with Sky, as if she was panicking "love... What's wrong? " I asked without stopping. "There are vampires at Emily's, I think it's the  cullens but they're smell is mixed... I can't quite identify it"  She replied. I thought for a second and  then I  realized it must be the Cullens with Bella.

We sprinted to the house. The  moment we got  into the yard we changed back and  ran into the house with snow still on our tails.

When we got in, Sky immediatly  froze, shot in front of me protecgively and growled warningly. Those were the  Cullens, but it weren't any of the Cullens that came to  save Sky when she got shot. It was only  Edward and his mate... Bella.

"No need to be scared... We don't mean any harm to anybody" Edward said. I looked around to see a rather alarmed but relieved Seth, Emily, Quil and Jared standing in front of the couch. Paul and Leah had probably went on patrol.

"I don't know what you want here but I sure as hell  know that I  won't be saving your stupid mate again today" Sky said coldly. Edward looked at her confused.

"What do you mean 'again'? And how do you even know she's my mate?" He asked. "Oh so Bella didn't tell you did she?" She looked at Bella with a sort of glare. "Bella told me that you attacked her" Edward replied.

I looked at Bella in disbelief "Are you fucking serious right now?! Bella she saved your ass TWICE! IN ONE HOUR TIME! " I exclaimed. I couldn't take this anymore, I was about to step towards them but Sky stopped me putting a hand on my chest.

"Edward... So to answer your question... I can smell the love from here... And after that... Look, I don't want to be creating conflicts in here but you deserve to know the truth. Few months back I was with Jake after I got shot by a hunter, I smelled Bella, I thought she would be fine until I heard Bella slap Paul across the face" She turned to glare at Bella before continuing

"When I ran out I saw Paul already turned, he has serious anger issues, he would've ripped her appart if I hadn't jumped in and attacked Paul and led him away. I had a freshly shot leg God dammit! And then, on top of it, when I got back with a horrible limp, instead of thanking me she accused me from stealing Jake from her. Jake almost lost it and I was the one to stop him. If I hadn't done anything he would have lost it and wouldn't have hesitated to ripp her apart. " She explained trying to keep her cool "I saved your disgraceful ass TWICE IN ONE DAY and may I remind you about the fact that we have spent weeks staying up all night taking turns to try and kill the vampire that is trying to kill you and you still dare to accuse ME from doing something I never did and never would do! How dare you!"She almost yelled, this time looking at Bella with tears in her eyes.

The situation must have been awkward to watch. My inner wolf was screaming at me to kill Bella right away but instead I precipitated myself to my imprint to hold her. Then I  heard Bella and Edward starting to argue "Bella this isn't okay! You didn't just lie to me! You made me threaten those kids because you made some sick story up just to what?! Get revenge for 'stealing' your friend?! What is wrong with you?! " Edward almost shouted at her.

"Oh so you believe them over me?! Nice Edward! Real nice! " She replied, I saw Edward getting really mad for the first time. I would've never though I would see him like that "Bella You better stop your bullshit! What so they coordinated to tell the same story before they even knew you were there?! They're acting this whole thing up?! Look at Skylar Bella! She's crying! " Bella looked at him with disgust and started to try and defend herself

"Yeah I do! Of course they're acting! They don't want the blame to be flying on them! Isn't that obvious?! " Edward looked at her with an angry but desperate face and ended the bullshit "Bella... I think you forgot I can read minds... I may not be able the read yours but I sure as hell can read theirs! Seth is freaked out, Quil, Jared and Emily are about to kick you out before Paul gets here and rips both of us apart, Jacob is debating on killing you or not and Skylar is destroyed by your disgraceful behaviour! "

I couldn't help but smile thankfully at Edward. I had always hated him but right now I saw who he really was on the inside. He was a good guy and was defending us against his one and only mate.


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