Chapter XXIV: Camp

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Without loosing Kaya of view I helped  the Fallen pack pack up and prepare their things even though I didn't fully trust them yet but if Sky did then that was good enough for me.

We had been preparing for about half an hour when I heard Kaya yell something angrily. I looked over at her just to see her holding onto Sky's hand as she glared daggers at a dude that was looking weirdly at my imprint. Furious I walked over and when I got next to Sky I went to stand in front of her and Kaya saying "And what the hell is the matter with you?".

"Calm down dude, it's not like she's going to give in so easily or anything. That's one loyal bitch you've got there huh? " He replied with a smirk. In one fast movement I grabbed him and pushed him against a tree practically strangling him as I pressed my arm against his throat. "Talk about her like that one more time. I fucking dare you" I almost yelled at him with a killing look. His smirk immediately transformed into a terrified expression. I let him go and as he dropped to the ground as I walked back to my imprint and my now daughter.

Kaya immediatly jumped into my arms, I caught her and lifted her hugging her to my chest. She was terrified. "It's okay honey, he won't be bothering you or mommy anymore" I whispered. She just held onto me tightly. Sky was just standing in front of me with a loving smile that mixed with her look full of pride. I walked over to her and holding Kaya with one arm I pulled Skyi into a hug as she buried her head in my chest.

On that moment I promised to myself that I would protect my girls with my life and give them the best life I could.

"Alpha Skylar... We're ready" A female voice with the same accent as Sky aid from behind me. Sky pulled back and went over to the teenage girl. "Hey lovely, look, I don't really know what's going on but I still have to talk about being the alpha with your leader. Anyways, thank you for warning, tell the rest that I'll be there in a minute yeah? " She replied in a sweet voice. She nodded obediently and ran to the rest of the pack.

"You know they already consider you  their alpha right? Do you see how they always listen to you? " I asked while interlacing our fingers as we walked over to the rest of the pack with Kaya still holded on my arm. "Yeah I guess you're right. It's just hard because I don't  wanna let the
Quillete pack down y'know? They're family now and I can't be letting them down for a pack that I barely know... I don't know" When I heard her reply I immediatly stopped in my tracks and  turned to her.

"Darling you are the best person I will  ever meet, the fact that you consider the pack as family is  so beautiful. You know, there isn't a way that they would feel like you let them down because they absolutely love you and so do these people here. The Fallen pack just needs someone to lead them, the Quilletes just need a sister or for some of them mother figure that will always love them" She looked at me, then smiled brightly. "You're right.. Well I guess it's oficial then.. I'll be the alpha of two packs as soon as I tell the rest" I smiled as pride invaded me, I was so proud of what my imprint had reached to be.

When we reached the rest, they were all waiting for us so Sky shifted and walked to the front. I walked towards her and put Kaya on her back, we had talked about who would carry her and decided it would be much safer if she carried her because she has longer furr to hang on to and she fought much better than me in case something happened. Kaya gripped tightly onto her furr and leaned her whole body on her as I walked to the back of the group. I would be running behind them to make sure nobody got lost on the way. Just when I got to the back Sky started running and not long after we were all sprinting across the forest to the beach at Emily's.

The run was quite easy because nobody ran behind and nothing tried to attack so we were there in about half an hour time.

When I arrived most of the people had already changed back into their human forms and Sky was laying down carefully still in her wolf form so Kaya could get down safely. I quickly ran to her, still in my wolf form and when she stood I rubbed against her, she put her head under mine. Her wolf form was only slightly bigger than mine.

After we were all in human form, Sky told the pack to stay there as we went to talk to Emily and our pack about the situation. We took Kaya with us but told her to stay at the door until we called her in so we could tell them before showing.

"We're back! " She shouted as we entered the house and immediatly we had the whole pack running towards us. "Is everything okay?" "Y'all took forever!" "Where's that pack you went to see now?" We were bombarded with questions until Sky finally got them  to shut up and spoke.

"So, yes everything's  okay, we took forever because the pack had problems and uhm... Em don't  kill me for this but the pack is at the beach behind your house and uh.. They might have to stay for a while until  we find them places to stay" Her voice was a bit unsure at the last part. Emily just smiled and told us it was totally fine and told us they could use the kitchen in the garage when they needed it before we could say anything about it so that was the best reaction we could possibly get, the rest of the pack was really happy and wanted to meet everyone. "Thank you so so much Em.. And  uh.. We got kind of a surprise and I don't know how y'all are gonna react but please be nice alright? " Sky asked. Everyone nodded and she went outside.

She came back carrying  Kaya, who's face was buried in her new mom's chest as if she  was scared. "Wait wait wait... Who's that? " Embry asked confused. Sky smiled and answered "this is Kaya, and y'all better love her because she's now our Daughter. As in us I mean Jake and I. " Everyone stared between me and her in disbelief except Leah. Her normal bitchy attitude completely disappeared as she started to squeal and immediatly started to walk up to us.

"Hey lovely, I'm Leah" She said with a  wide smile. Kaya turned towards her with a shy smile. "Hey Leah". Few minutes later Leah and Kaya were very busy playing while the rest  of the pack, Sky, Emily and I walked to the pack that we would be dealing with from now on.

"Hey shut it! " Sky yelled for about the 3rd time but this time louder, everything went silent. "Alright! So y'all will  be staying here until we find  shelter. We  are in Emily's property" She  paused  to gesture at Emily before continuing "so y'all  better show her some respect, got it? If I hear of anyone that doesn't treat her or the Quilletes pack right there will be consequences. I hope y'all understood. Now build up your tents and go to sleep, tomorrow I'll be explaining how things are gonna work. " When everyone said they understood, our pack went to help and meet some people, Emily went back to her house and Sky and I walked around the camp.

"We need to watch them for a while. We can't know how things worked with them before so we gotta watch out. I can't have humans being attracted here because a group of idiots did something stupid" She stated. I agreed as we sat on a fallen tree and I grabbed her hand gently.

"You know, whatever happens, I'll be with you until the very end of the line" I said looking her in the eyes. She smiled as she kissed me, I kissed back. "Promise? "



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