Chapter XXIX: Jason Brown

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"I felt the tension from downstairs" I muttered. I had felt Sky's anger and tension through the imprint bond and as soon as I heard her threatening growl I couldn't resist to go see if she was okay "Oh so your the boyfriend huh? I bet even if I beat the hell out of your girl you wouldn't be able to defend her" Before I knew it I had grabbed the asshole by the collar of his shirt and lifted him up. I was so angry that I couldn't stop my inner wolf of taking control anymore. I felt myself about to phase when Skylar stepped in. "Hey hey hey it's okay Jake, look at me, look at me" She said putting a hand on my shoulder. I felt myself relax slightly at her touch and I turned my glare towards her, which immediatly transformed itself in a soft gaze. "That's right, good job. Now put him down" She continued. She knew that my inner wolf was taking over and she wasn't mad at me which I was extremely grateful for.

I let go of the boy's shirt which caused him to collaps to the floor. I only realised I was glaring at his figure on the floor when I felt a soft hand on my cheek, turning my face to look at my imprint. Seconds later her arms were around my neck, mine around her waist and I was breathing in her scent as I buried my face into the crook of her neck. "It's okay" She whispered while she softly ran her fingers through my hair. Then I heard a groan from behind us.

I pulled back from the hug and stood next to Sky, still slightly forward and a protective arm before her. The boy stood up glaring daggers at me and luckily not at my imprint because that would've just given me a reason to kill him there and then. "You're lucky she was here dude. You sure as hell wouldn't have survived it if not" I spat at him causing Sky to chuckled slightly. "Look if you mess with us or anyone else of my people again I won't be the one stopping them from hurting you because I've done it already with someone else and it only brought me problems so how about you keep your ass out of trouble?" She stated casually. He looked at us with a frightened look and nodded. "Alright good. Now if you don't mind we're out of this crappy room. You really stink by the way. I already told you there's a bathroom attached to your room. Ever heard of a shower? " With that we got out of the room and as soon as the door closed we both burst out laughing and so did the pack. They had obviously heard the whole exchange.

"That was a good one girl" Leah said to Sky, all of us still laughing. "It's true though, did y'all ever get in there? The whole room is infested by his stink! Humans are fucking nasty, man" She stated with a fake grimace on her face, causing us to laugh even more.

When the laughter finally died out I looked over at Skylar. A genuine smile appeared on my face when I saw her really happy for the first time in a while. "What are we gonna do with him though? " Jared suddenly asked out of nowhere. "Kill him" I said with a smirk knowing it would set Sky off, which it sure did. She slapped me playfully across the head as she chuckled.

"No, we can't hurt him. We'll let him out of his room but not out of our view. We'll keep an eye on him 24/7, see how he acts. I want him to meet all the pack members, including from the other pack, maybe if he understands we're nice he won't want to go spread the news. And who knows, maybe he'll even make friends" She explained. We all nodded and Emily brought food onto the table. We all dug into the food as soon as it was on the table causing Emily to laugh. She was used to this kind of reaction but it still made her laugh.

"Thanks Em" Sky said with a smile as she ate. "Anytime kid" Emily always enjoyed taking care of us for some reason and she had became like a second mom that always worried and took care of us.

There was a long silence as all of us ate but suddenly we heard a loud thud coming from the boy's room. "The hell is that dude doing" Skylar muttered under her breath as she got up and speed walked to the room.

"What the hell are you doing? " She asked as soon as she opened the door. "what does it fucking look like I'm trying to do?" The dude asked with venom in his voice. My blood started to boil as I walked over to where they were but I was stopped by a hand on my chest before I could punch him across the face, I looked down to find a overly familiar blue eyed girl looking up at me with pleading eyes. I immediatly made myself calm down to make it easier for her to handle and went to stand next to her but a little bit behind.

"Look.. I know all of this sucks and all but escaping or at least trying so won't get you anywhere... Even if you did get out of the house you would be caught before you can even step out of the backyard. We're all wolves here, remember? But you'll be able to go outside and meet everyone soon... With someone to watch after you. We're just trying to help you" She stated calmly. The boy's expression changed into a softer one at her words, probably understanding that we wouldn't hurt him.

"Alright... I guess if we wanna cooperate we should know each other's names" He said before continuing "I'm Jason Brown" Sky smiled before she replied "Hey Jason, I'm Skylar and this is my boyfriend, Jacob Black" Jason looked confused when she didn't say her last name and she seemed to notice. "It's complicated" She said without letting her smile fade. He nodded.

"Well Skylar, Jacob, I'm sorry for being such an asshole those 3 passed days. I was just scared and didn't want to let it show" I chuckled "It's fine Jason, but you better not touch her or I might have found my next meal" I replied jokingly with a smile. "Oh wow he smiles" Jason answered in the same playful tone. "Well, I'm sorry Jason but we've got to do stuff but we'll be back to get you out later alright? " "Alright, see ya" And with that Sky and I walked out of the room.

"He's actually really nice" She stated as soon as we got to the others. "Yeah, it better stay this way though" I added in a whisper but obviously Sky heard even if the others didn't. "Oh come on Jake, he was scared. But don't be jealous though, you know perfectly well you don't have a reason to be so" I smiled and pulled her into my lap after I sat down on the couch next to Seth. "oh I know"


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