Chapter XXXXV: Reunited Family

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Jake walking off with Colt like that was a big surprise for me, but when I saw Colt walk up to me insecurely I just knew something had to be up. He asked me if we could talk privately and I'd accepted when Jacob nodded at me, which again, surprised me.

Colt and I walked along the beach for a minute or so until he stopped walking. When I noticed him stop, I did aswell and looked at him, a little confused. "What did you want to talk about? Is it about the alliance?" I asked curiously. Instead of answering right away, he ran a hand throught  his hair nervously.

"No... Uh.. I actually need to tell you something quite important" He sounded friendlier as before, not as cordial. I nodded, letting him know I was listening.

"So there's this legend, or rumour going around that the Black Demon. You. Had a twin. They say that they were separated from birth because their parents never wanted a daughter, only a son, so they abandoned you in the forest but kept that twin. Rumour says that when he found out that his parents had abandoned his twin alone in the forest when they were babies he not only fought to ban them from their pack's territory but also ran away to make a pack of his own" Colt paused to look at me, probably to see if I was paying attention, which I sure was. I was starting to understand what he was trying to tell me but I didn't want to get my hopes up.

"They say that one twin has furr as dark as a moonless night, and the other, had a furr as white as fresh snow. But both of them have the same, piercing blue eyes" He finished. At this point, I didn't know what to do or say. I stared at him, speechless but he seemed to take that as a bad reaction cause he seemed to have regret and guilt in his eyes.

"Skylar I'm sorry.. I tried to find you... I looked everywhere around the world in the hope to find even the smallest hint of where you were" 

He's been looking for me? I could feel myself starting to tear up.

"I created my entire pack just to help shape shifters like you who'd been rejected by family and that just need people who love them. In your honor"

In my honor? At this point tears were running down my cheeks as I listened to him ramble, until I couldn't stand it anymore and went closer.

"Colt" I snapped him out of it. He looked at me and I was surprised to see he had tears in his eyes aswell. "Thank you" I said before pulling him into a tight hug. Automatically, his arms closed around me and a weight I'd never noticed was on me finally fell off my shoulders, the weight of my unconscious self telling me that something had been missing.

"I thought you were dead Sky" He whispered into my shoulder just as I noticed his shoulders starting to shake. I realized he was crying and couldn't help but let out a tear aswell. "Hey, it's ok, I'm here" I whispered back without letting him go. It felt nice to know that even in the moments I felt the most lonely, I'd never been alone. The whole time, I had a brother out there looking for me.

After a while, when we both managed to pull ourselves together we went back to the rest of the Quileutes and their reaction to us being twins was priceless. All of them were looked like they were almsot happier than I was when finding out, especially Leah who pulled me and Colt into a big bear hug.

About an hour later, we headed back to Emily's house since it was starting to get dark. She'd already cooked dinner for us and had set the table up outside since it was warm. It was adorable how well she took care of us, almost as if she tought of us as her actual children and her reaction when finding out I'd found a family member was the most wholesome thing ever.

Colt easily fit in with us as soon as he let his alpha persona go and became his casual self, which was a really nice personality. He was everything I could've hoped for in a brother.

"So, what are the plans? Are you staying around here Colt?" Emily asked as we all sat around a campfire we built after having eaten. Colt looked around before replying "Well that's the plan yeah. I'd keep my pack in the territory they're in right now, let them all settle in there so I'll be close to all of you. Well only if alpha Skylar lets me" I chuckled and shook my head. 

"No, I think I'll be sending you away, conquer your territory" I joked to which he nudged my shoulder with his playfully in response. Before anyone could say anything, I heard light footsteps coming from the house followed by heavier ones. I turned around towards the sound just to see Jason walking towards us with his hand in Kaya's, who in fact was supposed to be sleeping. I frowned in worry and walked towards them.

"Hey, is everything alright?" I asked Jason before I even got to them. "I'm pretty sure she had a nightmare and freaked out when she couldn't find you" he replied. I looked down at Kaya and she had in fact tears in her eyes and looked quite scared, when I saw her state I quickly went to pick her up and as soon as I did, she burried her face in my shoulder, hanging onto my tightly.

"Thanks" I smiled at Jason as I rubbed Kaya's back in a comforting way. He nodded in response "anytime" he chirped before going back towards the house where I'm guessing that Emilia was waiting for him. I watched him walk off with a small smile on my face before going back to the campfire with Kaya in my arms. She had been having quite a few nightmares lately and I knew that she didn't want to talk about it until she was ready, and that she would tell me when she was.

"Aw, what happened? Another nightmare?" Leah asked when I sat back down on my place between her and Colt. I could see Jake shooting me a worried glance from next to Embry and Quill, I glanced back at him  and I'm pretty sure that was enough for him to understand that she had in fact had another one of her scares. I then looked at Leah and nodded. "Yeah, but we're here for her now, she's safe" I replied in a soft tone as I set Kaya on my lap, my arms tight around her.

I looked over at Colt, noticing his worried gaze on me. I smiled reassuringly at him then looked down at Kaya. I'd planned to tell him about Colt the next morning but I felt like she needed it more at that moment. "Kaya honey, you know what brothers and sisters are right?" she looked up at me and slowly nodded. "Well... We just discovered that the boy over there, Colt" I pointed at the white haired boy "Is mommy's brother" I finished.

She took a moment to process but as soon as she understood, her facial expression lightened up completely. She then slid off of my lap and walked over to Colt with a curious look. "So he's family?" she asked, trying to make sure she had understood it right. Colt and I both nodded and she jumped in happiness, instantly taking his huge hand into her tiny one, pulled him to his feet and dragged him towards her little playing spot in the garden that was dimmly lit with colorful led lights Leah had gotten her.

Her reaction made all of our hearts melt, especially Colt's. He'd found his family, the family he'd missed as much as I had.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2022 ⏰

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