Chapter XVI: Graduation party

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Graduation, something I never did and never will do. Not that  I  never went to school but I stopped going at 16, 2 years ago  and now  it was better like that because I  had absolutely no time for that.

The graduation party at the Cullen's was today, I wasn't really looking forward to it but what can I say, I can't let Skylar go alone so I had  to go.


Sky and  I were still at my house preparing ourselves. Leah had given  her a lot of  clothes she never wears few days back  because she didn't have any. Today she decided to  not  put anything special on for graduation, just normal leggings, 'cause she hates jeans and one of my hoodies because she loved  how comfy they  were.

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And she also put on some sneakers that Emily had given her

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And she also put on some sneakers that Emily had given her.

She liked to  always be ready to fight or run  because she felt weak if not and she never put any makeup  on or style her hair, that's one of the things I loved about her, she always stayed natural

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She liked to  always be ready to fight or run  because she felt weak if not and she never put any makeup  on or style her hair, that's one of the things I loved about her, she always stayed natural.

"You're ready love? " I asked from outside my  room's door. She answered by stepping out of my room, ready for the party. "Let's go before we're late, even if we already are but that's that so come on" She said and we both ran out of  the house, turned and ran  to the  Cullen's.

We met Jared and Quil at the border of the forest, we changed back human and when  they arrived we went into the house. The moment we got in I noticed Sky stick against me, probably freaked out by the crowd. I put a comforting arm around her shoulders and kept her close to me.

"Well someone's  not a party person" Emmet, one of the Cullens said from behind. We turned  around and I looked him dead in the eye "no I'm  not, I'm not used to so many  people." Sky replied coldly. After the cold tiny conversation we walked away with Jared and Quil right behind us.

"Look who decided to show up" I heard a voice call from behind again. I jerked my head in the direction of the voice even though I already knew who it belonged to. I felt Sky tense up next to me so I pulled her closer as I glared at Bella. "If you came here to mess with them you better back off Bella" Quil spoke up stepping to Sky's side while Jared walked to mine. Bella shot us a worried kind of glance before wiping it off her face with a smile that hid all of the rest of her emotions.

"No I didn't came to mess with you, I came to apologize for my horrible behaviour towards Skylar... I don't know what I was thinking.. I'm really sorry and I hope someday you will be able to forgive me.. And.. I hope we can start over one day" I felt Sky move away from me, towards Bella "Bella, you know, it's not gonna be easy for me to be forgiving you and starting over but I appreciate it, really, I do" She said before smiling and moving back to my side. I wrapped my arm back tight around her to make her feel safe around that many people.

We were having an awkward conversation with Bella when I saw Alice, an overhappy Cullen stare into space. I knew that look. I had seen it before. Few minutes later all the Cullens and the pack members that had come by were gathered in a little room.

"Ok that's it, what happened to Alice. I can literally smell the fear from here" Sky finally broke the very long and uncomfortable silence. The Cullens looked at each other before Carlisle replied "Alice had a vision... About Victoria"

"Wait wait, Victoria as in the red head vampire we've been trying to kill for months? " She asked, the Cullens nodded and Carlisle continued "she's building an army of newborns and they'll be coming around soon and-"

"Wait wait wait. And let me guess. She's here to try and kill Bella and you want us to fight with you don't you? " Sky cut him off. He nodded slowly. She hesitated for a second and told Quil, Jared and me to come discuss it in private for a second. "Oh and Edward my guy, don't read my mind" She said before dragging us all to the next room.

"Alright we gotta play this smartly and make sure to make the right decision 'cause I can't be loosing anyone else anytime soon. " She started looking at us with a serious look. "We should fight to keep the trouble maker safe but not only her, the rest of forks is in danger if newborns are running on the loose. But it could get very dangerous and I can't be loosing another pack member so what the hell do we do now?" She looked at us with a desperate look. "Look I don't want to try and tell you what to do but I think, and I'm sure that more of us will agree, that we should protect the people in Forks with our lives because that's why we're here after all" Quil finally spoke up.

Sky smiled, nodded and with my arms around her shoulders we started walking back to the Cullens but half way there she stopped. "Jake can you come with me for a second?" I nodded confused, she told the boys to go back to the Cullens and tell them that we'd be there in a while to tell what our decision was and she dragged me outside the huge crowded house.

She stopped at the edge of the forest. "Jake I want you to know that this fight will not be easy and that at least one of us will get hurt and that will lost likely be me but no matter what happens with me I'll always love you and want you to be happy" She said staring into my brown eyes. I smiled weakly as I imagined how I'd feel if she got hurt. Tears that I had been holding for a while started spilling as I held her close to me with my head hidden in the crook of her neck. She stroked my hair gently in an attempt to comfort me and said "it's ok Jake, we'll all be fine eventually but if, if I get hurt or... Or worse then please don't blame yourself or anyone else for it ok? And please try to move on, I'm sure you can do that"

I looked up at her with my teary eyes and could tell she was holding strong just for me. "Skylar No! I can't move on! I can't! How would I move on?! You are my reason for living and if I loose you I loose myself! I've lost so much Sky... So fucking much and if I loose you then that's it. I can't do this without you.. " I almost yelled out of panic. She looked at me with pity in her eyes even though I should be the one feeling sorry for her for not even having met her family.

She then pulled me into a tight hug holding me like that with my head buried in the crook of her neck for a while, until pulling back to look at me. She put a hand on my cheek and spoke softly "I know Jake, I know... I know how hard it is to watch people walk out of your life, I know how hard it is to see people die, I know how hard it is to see people suffer, I know how hard it is to loose people you love. I've lived it alright? I've lived it and... and I have been since I was a 5 months old baby. So yes. I know it fucking hurts, I know it's not fair but the world. is. Not. Fair. And we can't do anything about it so I need you to be strong alright? I need you to stay strong and don't do anything reckless to try and save me from anything? Please? "

I nodded with tears still running down my face. Through my teary eyes I could still see her pained expression. As if she would break down crying at any moment but she kept strong. She wiped my tears and we got back inside, to the Cullens.

"The pack will be fighting by your sides" Sky said, her accent now showing more just like every time she would talk in her alpha voice. She stood in front of me in a protective way, as if, for some reason, she was protecting me from the Cullens who had never done anything wrong to us. But again. She never trusted vampires.


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