Chapter XXXXI: The Gathering

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"Billy, Old Quil" I greeted them as they arrived at the bonfire with the help of Embry and Jared. "Alpha Skylar" they both greeted making me cringe a bit at their words, I knew Billy was only doing it to annoy me, he'd do it often but since Old Quil and I weren't nearly as close as Billy and I were he probably didn't know. "Please call me Skylar or Sky" I told them kindly but shooting an annoyed glare at Billy to which he just responded to with a playful grin.

"thanks Em" I said as Emily started handing out food to everyone to which she responded with a warm smile.

I quickly looked around, getting ready to start the gathering. Everyone was there, from the pack to the elders and their wives who obviously knew about the Shape shifting.

"I've called this gathering because as some of you might know, during Edward and Bella's wedding we had quite an unpleasant surprise.. A vampire that I used to know decided to visit me after a few years. At the begining it seemed to go quite well until she became aggressive" I paused for a moment to catch as many reactions as possible.

"Paul, Seth and I chased her back over the border and since then I've doubled patrols at the borders for security since we don't know what her real intentions were and are" I hesitated for a second before continuing.

"we don't know if she was alone or if what she told us was true but in either case, I've discovered that there's another pack on the other side of the border, they're not vampires, humans or people of my pack but I'm 100% sure they're shifters-" before I could finish my sentence Billy cut in.

"I think it could be a good idea" he stated casually as his son glared daggers at him. "how did you- I didn't even finish?" I told as I stared at him, how did he know what I was gonna say?

"it was kinda obvious" he explained but then I noticed that old Quill clearly hadn't understood. "I wanted to ask you two if it seemed like a good idea to go talk to them, see if we can create an alliance of any type" I explained in a kind voice to the old man. He paused for a second before looking at me and nodding.

"It seems like a good thing to be able to create an alliance with a new pack since we can't know how the fallen pack would react in case of war and us Quileutes are easy to outnumber" he spoke slowly but surely causing me to smile but I could feel Jake's anger and concern grow.

"She can't go alone though right? She needs some protection!" Jake tried but both elders shook their heads. "She's the alpha Jacob, it's her responsability, apart from that if she doesn't go alone they might see her as a threat" Old Quil put in earning a grateful glance from me.

"He's right Jake, she has to go alone" Billy confirmed. That caused Jacob to sigh in frustration as he stood up and walked away, probably to calm down and to think. In response to that I quickly excused myself and walked after him.

"Jake... You know I can handle myself" I murmured softly once I caught up to him, putting a hand on his shoulder. "I know you can Sky.. I do but it just doesn't feel right to just let you go alone like that. We've done everything together for months.." he replied, his tone similar to mine.

His statement made me smile as I pulled him into a hug, his face hiding in the crook of my neck. "I know, and it's weird for me too to go off on my own for once but we all know I have to. Even Paul knows, he just doesn't wants to accept it. Honestly I bet his arguing with the elders right now" I murmured, chuckling at the last part as I pictured Paul trying to convince the elders that someone should come along with me.

"Yeah he probably is. And we should probably go check aswell" He replied while pulling back from the hug. I nodded in agreement and we both ran off to check if everything was okay.

When we arrived we immediatly saw that Paul was indeed arguing with Billy and Old Quil who were both trying to convince him to calm down. "Paul!" I exclaimed in a deeper voice than usually, earning his attention. I looked at him with my eyebrows raised as I gestured for him to follow me and he of course obeyed.

"This is bullshit Sky, you're not going alone" He said as soon as we were out of the pack's sight. I sighed. "you know I have to Paul, it could be even more dangerous if I went with someone, even if it's my imprint" I explained but it didn't convince him at all. "you know I can't just let you go alone like that, and neither should Jake" he replied as he turned his back to me as he tried to keep himself calm.

"Paul I can handle myself and you know I can" I was trying to stay calm as much as I could because me getting mad or frustrated wouldn't fix anything either. He sighed without facing me. "I know you can, we all fucking know but we all care about you too! Even Seth and Leah weren't convinced it was a good idea to let you go alone" Paul ran a hand through his hair in frustration.

"listen, I care about all of you too, so much. And that's why I have to do this. Not for me. Not for the Cullen. For you all, because if I don't and then some shit happens, even if it's not my fault I will feel like it's my fault for the rest of my life" I tried to explain.

The only thing he did in response was sigh and pull me into a hug. I hugged back as I heard him speak. "I know. I know. Just be careful alright?"

"always" I replied.

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