Leaving You In Awe

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Jungkook was fidgeting in his chair while Anna looked around his studio. For some reason it made him nervous, to have her in his personal space. Even though they shared a room at home, his Golden Closet was different. It was where he did his deepest thinking, where he let loose his heart and soul, and where he put his emotions into music.

Anna smiled as she looked around the Golden Maknae's studio. He didn't have as many figurines as his hyungs did, but he had a lot of photos and plushies, and she wondered if they were gifts from ARMY.

"Did you have a good singing lesson?"

"Lesson? Yes, it was good."

"What do you do in them? I mean, what's left to teach?"

"I always need to get better. I show you?"

"Show me?"

If anyone had ever told her she would be getting a singing lesson from the main vocalist of BTS, she would have laughed at them. Yet, now the vocalist was one of her soulmates and she was in his studio in the HYBE building, copying him as he showed her some exercises he does in his singing lessons.

As surreal as it was, Anna was not going to waste this opportunity. Since she had never had any real singing lessons before, she sometimes wondered if she was doing it correctly. The last thing she wanted to do was damage her voice. She wouldn't be able to survive not being able to sing anymore.

"Wait, err, stop. You need to breathe... right? More? Have more support here."

Jungkook put his hand on Anna's stomach and motioned for her to breathe in while pressing lightly with his hand, before repeating the exercise again.


Anna placed her hand over his as she repeated the exercise after him. She could feel the warmth radiating from his palm through her top. As she rubbed her thumb across the back of his hand and gazed up into his eyes, she felt the warmth spread through her body. It felt like it had been forever since she had last felt his touch.

"Like that?"

With glazed eyes, Jungkook stared down at Anna. He could feel the soft warmth of her body beneath his hand and he felt her stomach rise as she breathed in deeply. It made him realise exactly how long it had been since he spent any quality time with her.

Despite cuddling up to her at night, either she was already asleep, or he was out like a light within minutes of his head hitting the pillow. Many mornings it was torture to drag himself out of bed and away from her whilst she still slept. Sometimes he considered waking her up just so he could wish her good morning or good night, but he always stopped himself from disturbing her.

"Jungkook? Was that right?"

"Huh? Yes, yes. Good job."

He moved his hand away from Anna and turned his seat to face his desk. Jungkook's hands gripped his thighs and he tried he calm himself down. He had self-imposed rules about what could happen at work, especially in his studio. He didn't want to be distracted by memories every time he tried to work on his music. Although, he was regretting these rules at this moment.

Meanwhile, Anna was confused by Jungkook suddenly pulling away. She stepped towards him, reaching out her hand intending to check he was okay, but stopped herself thinking maybe he wouldn't want her to touch him. Instead, she stood next to him awkwardly and waited.

"I missed you."

Fortunately, Jungkook had noticed Anna's hesitation and turned his head to smile at her. Still confused, Anna smiled back.

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