A few of my favourite things

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BTS had agreed to do something special for Anna's first night in Las Vegas, but they had argued for days on what exactly that should be. They all wanted to do different things. Jin wanted to go to a fancy restaurant, Yoongi wanted to go to a concert, and Taehyung wanted to go dancing. Jungkook argued that Anna wasn't one for fancy food, Jimin that a concert wasn't special enough, and Namjoon that Anna wouldn't find it fun to dance - without choreography - in public.

"So, let's think about what Anna would like."

"I still think that she would like to go out for dinner."

"Dinner and a concert. She's always saying that she wants to see more live music."

"Or... dinner and dancing! She loves that old fashioned gentleman stuff."

"Hyungs, I know what Noona wants most."

"What's that, Kookie?"

"She wants to spend time with all seven of us. Quality time."

Namjoon wrapped an arm around Jungkook's shoulder.

"I think that sounds perfect."

When they landed in America, Anna was brimming with excitement. Before meeting her soulmates, she had barely travelled outside of the UK. When she was younger, she had never felt the urge to travel but watching BTS and their travels around the world made her want to see more of the world too.

She clung to Hoseok as they left the airport. Although they took a back exit to avoid the public and any crowds that may have gathered to try and get a glimpse of them arriving, the horror stories of overzealous fans and Idols getting hurt plagued her mind. When she had travelled with them during their Tour, there had been a few close calls, but she had been disguised as one of the staff. This time Anna was next to her soulmate and very recognisable.

Part of her excitement may have been from visiting a new place, but some of it was definitely due to seeing her soulmates again. It had only been a few days, but she had missed them. Before, she used to laugh at couples who couldn't bear to spend any time apart. Anna had never felt the need to spend time with anyone before, she had never had anyone to miss.

When they arrived at the hotel, they dropped their bags off in their room before planning to find the others. Yet before they could, there was a knock on the door. When Anna opened the door, Hoseok had to pull her back as a pile of bodies fell through the doorway. It reminded her of the first time she had met them, backstage all those months ago. Once again Yoongi was the sensible one left standing behind the others, along with Jin who was guarding his hurt fingers.

"Yah! Get up before I step on you."

A struggle ensued as Namjoon couldn't seem to find his footing and repeatedly tripped up, knocking them all over again. Seeing that Yoongi or Hoseok, who was laughing to the point of tears, weren't going to help, Anna stepped forward and helped her fallen soulmates.

As the five of them sat on the floor, Taehyung groaned in pain.

"Are you okay, Tae Baby?"

"Yes. I think I need a kiss to make it better."

Anna couldn't suppress her smile.

"Is that right? Where does it hurt?"

Taehyung raised a hand a tapped a finger to his lips which were pursed in a pout. He expected her to tease him with just a peck but instead was taken by surprise when she took his face in her hands and gave him a very welcome deep and thorough kiss. When she pulled back, he looked a little dazed as he instinctively leaned forwards in search of her lips.

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