Making an Effort

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Anna was woken by a knocking at her door. Somehow, she managed to drag herself out of bed and make her way to the door. She looked through the peephole to see who it was and was shocked to see one of her soulmates. Oh god, I must look such a mess, but I can't keep him waiting. With her soulmate waiting outside her door, there was no time for Anna to shower or even change out of her pyjamas. Running her fingers through her hair, Anna took a deep breath before opening the door.

"Good morning Anna!"

"Hello Jin."

For the first part of their plan, Jin had decided to invite Anna to have breakfast with him. When she opened her door, he couldn't help but think about how cute she looked, obviously, she had just gotten out of bed.

"Sorry, I wake you?"

"It's fine."

Anna looked up at Jin expectantly, wondering why he was knocking on her door first thing in the morning. When Jin didn't say anything, she decided to ask.



"Um, did you need something?"

"Oh! Food!"


"Have food with me?"

"Oh, breakfast! Sure, okay."

Jin stood at Anna's door smiling at her, while Anna fidgeted nervously. She had always felt a special connection with Jin because he was the last member of BTS that she fell in love with. Anna remembered when she first discovered BTS, she didn't think Jin was particularly handsome. Over time she began to see him as a friend, or perhaps an older brother figure, but it wasn't until she saw the Boy In Luv music video that her view of Jin completely changed. Wow, he's so handsome.

"Uh, do you mind if I shower and get dressed first?"

"Oh! I will order, you come to my room when you ready?"

"Okay, thanks. See you soon."

Anna watched Jin head back to his room, which was just across the hall, before closing her door. She pressed her back against the closed door, her mind reeling. This would be her first prolonged one-on-one time with one of her soulmates and she was nervous. What would they talk about? Anna wasn't a good conversationalist and she wasn't one for small talk. What if I don't like the food? She was also a picky eater. I get to spend time with Jin! In a mixture of nerves and excitement, Anna ran to the bathroom to take a shower. When she was dressed, Anna left the room and crossed the hall.

As she stood outside Jin's door with her fist poised to knock Anna hesitated. Spotting movement out of the corner of her eye, Anna looked to the side to see Jungkook about to enter the room next to Jin's. It looked as though he had just come back from a workout. As he smiled his signature smile at her, Anna felt hypnotised. He made a gesture of knocking on a door and Anna copied him, knocking on Jin's door. Jungkook gave her a thumbs up and waved before entering his room. Anna was still looking at Jungkook's door when the door in front of her opened.

"Anna! Come in!"

Anna entered Jin's room to find a large spread set up on the table.


Anna sat in the chair Jin waved at while he perched on the edge of his bed.

"I not know what you like. So, I order lots."

For the next few minutes, Anna felt like she was watching a live version of Eat Jin as Jin went through each of the different foods he had ordered and made comments about them.

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