Asking for Forgiveness

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Anna was woken by the sound of raised voices coming from somewhere in the apartment. It was fairly unusual to hear arguing in their home. It wasn't that they didn't have fights, but they were either short-lived or sorted over calmly. Angry shouting wasn't normal.

So, she dragged herself out of bed to investigate.

"Kim Taehyung, get up right now!"

When she turned the corner, she found her soulmates gathered in the hallway by the front door, and they were a sight to see. The focus of the conflict was Namjoon and Taehyung. Namjoon was pulling on the arm of Taehyung who was sitting crossed-legged on the floor, arms crossed and frowning like a child.


Anna watched in disbelief as once Namjoon managed to pull Taehyung off the floor, the younger boy managed to grab the bannister at the end of the staircase and proceeded to refuse to let go.

"Seriously! I really don't need you acting up this morning, Taehyung. I've already struggled to get Yoongi-Hyung out of bed because he decided to drink himself into a coma last night."

It was then that she noticed Yoongi who could barely stand up straight. He was leaning his hands against his knees, with Jungkook hovering over him to make sure he didn't topple over.

Namjoon let go of Taehyung and ran his hand through his hair with a sigh.

"Come on guys. I know it's been a rough week, but with Jin sick, I need all of you to work with me here. Please."

"Jin's sick?"

As soon as Anna stepped further into the hallway, Taehyung spotted her and dived toward her. Kneeling in front of her, he wrapped his arms around her waist and buried his head against her stomach.

"I'm so sorry, Anna. You don't have to forgive me, but please talk to me again. I'll do anything you want. I promise. Please."

A pain developed in Anna's chest at hearing her soulmate's cries. She rested one hand on the top of his back and the other on his head.

As she thought about what to do, she was distracted by Yoongi running to the nearest bathroom with his hand over his mouth. Anna grimaced, closing her eyes, and raising one hand to her mouth. One of the reasons she didn't drink was because she didn't want to end up throwing up - or be around anyone else who might.

"Go sort him out. I'll deal with this one."

Namjoon nodded gratefully and gave her a small smile before taking Jimin and Jungkook to help him with Yoongi and the clean-up.

Anna gently removed Taehyung's arms from around her body and sat on the stairs with him.

"I - I - I love you."

There was so much Taehyung wanted to say to Anna, he'd thought of nothing else the past few days, but now that he had his chance he didn't know where to start.

"I love you too."

"You do?"

"Of course. Just because I was upset doesn't mean I stopped loving you, silly."

"Oh. Anna?"


"You are good enough."


"To be our soulmate. You're enough just as you are. I'm sorry we didn't tell you about, well, you know."

"You really think I can do it?"

"What? Oh! Yes, of course, but only if you want to. We only wanted you to have the opportunity. Whether you take it or not is up to you. As long as you're happy. That's all we want, it's all we ever wanted."

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