Kindred Spirit

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It was the day before they left for Japan for the last concerts of their tour and Anna had lots to do. It was Jungkook's birthday in two days and Anna hadn't had a chance to make his card or sort out his present. After her Korean lesson that morning she planned on doing this while Jungkook was at work. She realised it was hard keeping a surprise from your own roommate. However, when she came out of her lesson someone was waiting for her.



Jin was there to take her out to lunch. While they ate, they talked about the upcoming trip and Jungkook's birthday.

"Do you think Jungkook would like if I made him cakes for his birthday?"

"Cake? What cake?"

"Well, my favourite is banana and Nutella."

"Banana? Jungkookie like banana."

"So, you think it's a good idea?"

"Yah! You cook it, Jungkook love it."

"Do you want to help me make some?"

"Yes! Let's go!"

Jin and Anna spent the rest of the afternoon together. In the kitchen, they had fun baking together. Baking wasn't something Jin had done a lot of. In fact, he barely had time to cook dinner very often because of their schedule. It was nice to have this rare afternoon off to spend in the kitchen and even more so to spend it with his soulmate.


"Yes Anna?"

"Can you... can you teach me some Korean?"

"And you teach me English? Okay?"



"Butter. Butter."

"Butter. Sugar."

"Sugar. Sugar."


They went through all the ingredients, a few times as Anna forgot them as soon as they moved on and then the equipment as well. Anna appreciated Jin wanting to learn with her as learning together made it more fun. It also made her feel like less of an idiot when she struggled to remember the new words, as he struggled too.

While the cakes were in the oven, they decided to do a final test. Jin did well in remembering the English words, however, Anna failed.

"Okay last one."

At this point, Anna was disappointed in herself and her poor memory, but then Jin pointed to himself. She was rather confused as he continued to gesture to himself.

"Kim Seokjin?"

"Yes! Go Anna! Your pronunciation is so cute!"

Jin held out his hands for Anna to high-five and then ruffled her hair affectionately. Anna laughed as he acted over to the top by celebrating her correct answer. She knew he was trying to cheer her up and she felt warmth in her chest at his kindness.

After they took the cakes out of the oven Jin asked Anna what she wanted to do now.

"I need to make Jungkook's birthday card?"

"Oh, okay."

"Do you want to make one too?"

Anna gathered all her craft supplies and brought them out to the kitchen table. As she sat down at the table, she realised she had never made a card for a boy before. She usually went for floral designs. Would Jungkook like a flowery card? Anna knew Jungkook liked cameras, so she searched Pinterest for inspiration like she usually did.

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