Feeling at Home

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Despite her recent outing to the HYBE building and her daily Korean lessons at the Soulmate Registration Office, Anna was starting to get cabin fever. She hadn't been out to explore Seoul since her first shopping trip and that had been more of a trip with a purpose than a sightseeing expedition. However, the thought of going out by herself scared her.

Anna was always the same with new places. If she had been somewhere before then she didn't feel as nervous about going back alone. Not that she ever felt comfortable going places by herself, no matter how many times she had done it, but at least she knew where she was going and what to expect.

Maybe she could start out small. Now that she knew she could order food, perhaps she could venture out for lunch. In fact, Anna knew the perfect place. During her exploration of Korea, she had come across a YouTube channel called the Korean Englishman. She had learnt a lot while watching their videos, in particular, what Korean food she wanted to try.

She looked up where the nearest one was. It was a bit of a distance since where BTS lived was a more secluded residential area. However, she didn't mind a bit of a walk. It would give her a chance to explore the area, as well as get some fresh air.

With the route saved on her phone, Anna got ready to venture outside. This was the most difficult part, the initial push, the first step out of the house. Her hands gripped the strap of her handbag as she walked down to the gate of the complex. The security guard greeted her as she left, so Anna bowed slightly and returned the greeting.

She had memorised at least the beginning of her route, so she knew which way to go as she left the safety of the housing complex behind. It was fairly quiet at first, but the closer she got to her destination, the busier the streets got.

Without too much trouble, Anna reached her chosen lunch spot, Isaac Toast. One of the hosts of Korean Englishman had raved about this so much that she just had to try it for herself. Inside she looked over the menu before going up to the counter to order.

Anna had reviewed the phrases she knew she would need before she had left. Apart from a little stutter at the beginning, she managed to order her lunch in Korean and the staff member serving her praised her for it. She had heard that Koreans were always delighted when foreigners tried to speak their language and now, she had experienced it for herself.

When she got her food, she sat down at a small empty table by the window. It had been hard to decide which one to get. There was the classic ham and cheese, the Korean speciality Bulgogi MVP, but it was the double cheese pork cutlet that caught Anna's attention. It was amazing and she had no doubts that she would come back sometime to try the others.

Anna was smiling the whole way home. This little outing had been exactly what she needed, some fresh air and good food. She felt more relaxed on the way home. She always thought she had a rather good sense of direction. If she had been someone once, then she would usually remember where to go.

It was like a K-drama when the sky opened and out of nowhere it started pouring down with rain. Of course, Anna didn't have an umbrella or jacket because of the nice weather. However, she recognised where she was and was sure home was only around the corner, so she ran for it.

Except when she turned the corner, she soon realised she wasn't as close to home as she thought. After a while, she admitted she had been too confident in her navigational abilities and found an overhanging tree to shelter under while she checked her map.

By the time she finally reached home she was soaked through. She gingerly tiptoed across to her room, but it was a lost cause as she left a trail of water behind her. Once she was warm and dry and had mopped the floor, she wrapped herself up on the sofa in a blanket.

All the walking she had done plus the extra running had meant she had already worked off her lunch and was hungry again. Still in a good mood, despite the rain, Anna decided today was a cheat day and ordered chicken.

Korean fried chicken was her favourite and one of the things she had most anticipated trying when she came to Korea. All in all, it was a good day and Anna was feeling positive about her new life in her soulmate's homeland.

The next day Anna was resting in the living room when her phone rang. It startled her because no one ever called her as she preferred texting. When she looked at the screen, she saw it was Namjoon calling and immediately answered.


"Anna? Are you at home?"


"Okay, good. So, one of our managers is coming to pick you up and bring you to us."

"Okay...? Wait, what? Why?"

"We're having a meeting with management and we need you to be here too."

"A meeting? Is something wrong?"

"Umm, well..."

"Don't make her worry before she even gets here!"

"I'm not going to lie to her."

"It's probably too late anyway. I bet she is freaking out now."

"Guys? I didn't understand, what did you say?"

"We will explain everything when you get here, okay? Everything is going to be fine."


"We'll see you soon. Love you."

"Love you too. Bye."

Anna sat in a state of shock until a knocking at the door startled her out of it. The serious face of her soulmate's manager did nothing to ease her fears that something was wrong. She spent the car journey going over everything she had done recently and questioning whether that could be what was wrong.

Yet, apart from her trip to HYBE with Hoseok and her lunch outing yesterday, she hadn't done anything out of the ordinary, or outside of the house even. Anna hadn't posted on social media much since she found out who her soulmates were.

By the time they reached the HYBE building her hands were shaking and she was still clueless about what the meeting was going to be about. She was led up through the building to a large conference room where all her soulmates were waiting for her, along with someone she recognised but hadn't met yet.

"Hello Anna."

Sitting at the head of the table was Bang PD.

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