Chapter 11

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  Eventually, Dr. Azur has to leave me in the exam room. I lay on the table picking at my bandages. In her grief, she wrapped the gauze so tightly around my forearm that fingers have gone slightly cold and pale. She making me stay under observation due to the burns. They're just second degree so I think she's just trying to make sure neither myself nor anyone else can hurt me.
  Yanis has been careful to avoid my room the whole day. It's for the better that she stays away. I can't have her so her newfound hatred is a blessing. I'd hate to fall for her even harder than I have. Maybe if things stay as they are we can both walk away from this mostly intact.
  Even knowing all this I've been closely listening to her every move. I have made myself hyperaware of her every step throughout the clinic. Even the sound of her steps is adorable. She steps lightly practically skipping. If it weren't for the occasional squeak of rubber soles I might not even be aware of her.
  I wonder what she's thinking. Maybe she was happy to see my current state. After last night she now knows how ugly I truly am. I wish I could forget how she looked at me when she realized.
  I spring to my feet when hear the bell above the clinic door chime signaling someone's arrival. It a sound I hear every day, but it isn't usually followed by a shouting alpha. 
  I run into the hallway and peek around the corner. He stands there screaming at a frantic Dr. Azur.
  "Give it to me now!", he screams as Dr. Azur scrambles to help him.
  Little footsteps come up behind me to peek around the corner too. She's putting so much space between us that she's immediately caught by the ill-tempered man.
  His gaze snaps to us and I instinctively grab her by the waist to pull her behind me. I take a defensive stance and brace myself for what's to come. He tries to maim people when he's calm so I can't imagine what he'd do now, but he's sure as hell not doing it to her.
  He storms over to us leaving Dr. Azur to fumble with whatever she was giving him. He bends down to put his face right in mine. I stare as bravely as I can manage into his wild bloodshot eyes. He's come completely unhinged.
  "She's yours isn't she", he growls, "you took mine away, but I get to keep yours?". He lets the question hang in the air for a moment as he eyes the girl now clinging to me in fear. No, he can't touch her, she's innocent in this.
  "It's not my fault she left. You were her mate. You were her Alpha. You were once even her best friend. She left because you couldn't take responsibility for your own actions. She left because you may no effort to change. You treated her better and turned all your anger onto others. You only put up a front for her and she saw right through to who you really are. She knew you were a pathetic insecure husk of a boy. She left because you, the only person with any real responsibility to her, failed time and time again". 
  His eyes flare his renewed rage. His fist flies and I slam into the wall behind me. Coughs rack my body spewing blood. He turns his stance away from the frozen girl beside him and sends a kick into my ribs. I laugh at him spewing more blood.
  "You're still failing her", I cackle. Even if im getting the shit kicked out of me it still feels nice for someone else to be the problem for once.
  He screams incoherent sorrow and fury at me as Dr. Azur sneaks up behind him. She stabs a giant needle into his neck and pushes down the plunger. He staggers a bit before falling to the floor. We all stare at his slump body.
  Yanis speaks first, "What was that?". It tears at me a bit that she decides to ask about that instead of making sure I'm okay.
  Dr. Azur sighs, "he comes in for wolfsbane every month, to lessen the effects of Hope's heat".
  "Why would he do that?", I ask, "Hope could come back to him if she gets desperate enough". She turns to look at me clearly concerned with my new injuries.
   "Or she could find someone else to take his place", she says.
   "Doesn't that also hurt his connection with her?", I ask.
  "Yes", she tells me simply I look at him pitying. He's just conscious enough to mutter about how he can't do this anymore; not enough to be aware of us.
  Dr. Azur helps me to my feet. She knowingly glances between me and Yanis. She obviously heard that we're mates.
  "Well I was going to have Cassie spend the night at my place, but I'm guessing you two have some things you need to discuss", she says. Yanis pulls lips into a thin line, but nods.
  "Ok I'll get Cassie fixed up a bit and you two can be on your way", she says. She steps over the man on the floor and drags me by the wrist back to the exam room from which I came.

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