Chapter 7

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  I wander about the territory before eventually making my way back to the field I found myself in not so long ago. Looking around I now see what I hadn't noticed last I was here. The ground rolls with strange craters and trenches as I'd never seen. It's amazing I hadn't broken something walking through this field in my distressed state.
  I approach one of the ditches that stretched across the field. At first glance, I had thought that perhaps this could have been the result of strange weather. Closely eyeing the walls there appears to be some kind of stone peeking through the foliage growing over it. I carefully slide down into it for a closer look. Pushing aside the foliage I realize that the stone I saw was a man-made stone wall that still appeared to be in decent shape.
  Curiously I walk along the trench with my fingers trailing along the walls for balances as I carefully place each step. It's not long before I start to notice shiny little rocks lining the ground. I nudge them a bit with my shoe. I kneel down for a closer look and feel my stomach drop. Are those bullets? I fall back in shock and hiss in pain when I land on something hot and sharp. I jump up and turn to see what I had hit. Scanning the ground closely I see what appears to be barbed wire.
  My sense of curiosity dissipates only to be replaced by a sense of dread. I scramble out of the trench and run from the field I had found comfort in not so long ago. I keep going until I reach Dr. Azur's clinic.
  I slam through the door and she looks up at me in surprise from her desk. Her face morphs into one of concern.
  "Are you alright?", she asks as she comes to me. I catch my breath and lean against the door.
  "I found this field", I shout, "it was filled with silver bullets". Her posture turns rigid.
  "Cassie, what we're you doing all the way out there?", she asks her polite demeanor dropping away, "it's very dangerous".
  "What is it?", I question.
  "I think it's best we don't discuss such things", she says.
  I stare at her in disbelief, "why not? It's a field full of silver on pack territory and you think I should ignore it?".
  "Yea that's exactly what I think", she says sternly.
  "Fine I'll go to the old Alpha and Luna about this", I tell her.
  She gives me an odd sideways glance, "the former Alpha is feeling a touch unwell as of late; going to them with such things would only upset him". I sputter at her before I catch something out of the corner of my eye I see a spot of orange.
  Discretely I turn my attention to the hallway behind Dr. Azur. Peeking around the corner I see a certain honey-eyed orange-shoed girl spying on our conversation. I'm amazed I hadn't noticed her sooner. She peers at me curiously from her hiding place seemingly unperturbed by me clearly spotting her.
  I clear my throat and turn my attention back to the doctor, "fine". I turn and make my way out somehow knowing that Yanis will follow after me shortly. I sit out on a stone waiting for her to make an appearance.
  Not five minutes later I am proven right as I hear the door open and close behind me and the scent of candied oranges fills the air. I steel my nerves as she comes to sit beside me. Looking over at her inquisitive expression all my panic melts away.
  She's so close to me that I could just lean over and kiss her. I find myself glancing down to her lips and feel a blush color my cheeks.
  "Can I see the field?", she asks snapping me out of my thoughts.
  "What", I ask having for a moment forgotten all about the reason I had come here.
  "Well, you said there was a field full of silver bullets", she says.
  "Oh right", I say leaning away from her, "well I'm not sure it'd be safe for you there was also barded wire and the ground is super uneven".
  She rolls her eyes at me, "well you can show me or I can find it on my own". Instantly the image of finding her dead in one of those ditches floods into my mind.
  She looks at me expectant, "fine". A smile lights up her face at my response. She grabs my hand jumping up taking me with her.
  "Lead the way", she says. I do my best to pretend that sparks aren't shooting up my arm and start towards the field. She skips along beside me as we go.

 She skips along beside me as we go

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