Chapter 17

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I paced back and forth through Alpha Will's office. He had decided he didn't entirely believe Dr. Azure and wanted some proof of her claims. She has no idea what's coming. Will left hare in the same cage he had me years ago. He told me that if Dr.Azure was telling the truth that she would be perfectly safe and the silver bars would protect her from her mate. I wasn't convinced though. This was an Alpha who hasn't seen his mate in years, he'll probably tear the cage apart to get to her.

I followed Will up to his office to plead her case, but he was hearing none of it. He had chosen to ignore me in favoring of filling out backlogged work.

A knock sounded at the door.

"Come in", said Will. A pack member I didn't recognize stepped into the room.

"Alpha Grimm has arrived sir", they say before bowing. Will dismisses them and rises from his desk. I follow him to the front door hopeless. Alpha Will swings the door open to reveal the most terrifying man I'd ever seen. He dwarfs me and will easily. He steps in ducking a bit to get through the frame. My heart drops into my stomach, that cell doesn't stand a chance.

"Do you normally leave your guests to stand outside when you're expecting company", he asks.

"I apologize for the inconvenience", Will says, "but I might just have something to make it up to you".

The man quirks a brow, "oh?".

"If you would just follow me", Will says he beckons the man to walk beside him.

"Alpha please reconsider", I beg.

"Stop questioning my decisions", he says, "know your place". with that, the two men walk together up to the attic. I trail behind them desperate to do anything to help the woman who has done so much for me the last few years. As we get closer to her I see the man get almost twitchy, like an addict desperate for his fix. When we get to the landing he starts to sniff the air.
Will open the door to the attic and we all step into the room. There she sits, on the floor frozen with terror. He freezes for a moment too, seemingly in shock. The moment is short-lived and he's immediately at the bars pulling them apart just as I knew he would. Dr. Azure or whoever she is presses herself back into the corner.

"Stay away", she screams. Her chest heaves and her body shakes. To my surprise, the man does stop. He takes a step back clearly forcing himself to take deep breaths.

"Mate", the one word holds so much more weight than a thousand ever could. He sinks to the ground just staring at the crying woman. I feel like I'm intruding on something sacred.

"Why is my mate in a cage", his voice holds no malice and suspect he already knows the answer.

"To keep her safe", I don't know if is me, Will, or some greater force that says the words. We are nothing in this moment. We stand uselessly behind them just bearing witness to this terrible raw moment.

"Please come out", his voice is a whisper, "I'll do anything you want". The woman who is not Dr. Azure violently shakes her head. He stares down at his hands clenching and relaxing them.

"Where's our kid", he whispers. She covers her ears and continues shaking her head. I don't know if anything is getting through to her.

"Please", he begs. I don't know what he's begging for, I doubt he knows either.

"How long has she been in this cell?", he asks.

"A few hours".

"She needs to come out before the silver makes her sick", he says. He holds his hand out to Will. Will hands him the key. The man goes to open the door. The woman who is not Dr. Azure notices the movement and starts to scream. The door swings open now only on one hinge. She starts to claw at her arms drawing blood. I can tell by the heaving of his chest Alpha Grimm is holding back sobs. He takes one step in and she panics further starting to claw at her own throat. Afraid she could hurt herself he takes some steps back and she calms if only a little.

"Please come out", he begs her. She still refuses only trying to make herself smaller. He pauses and tears run down his cheeks.

Despite his sorrow, his voice rings authoritative and clear, "get out here you worthless bitch". Tears stain his face as he watches her. She stops all of her panics. All emotion washes out of her. She is an obedient husk. She leaves the cell crawling on her hands and knees stopping to bow at his feet. His cries turn to screams and he falls to the ground struck with the awfulness of it all.

A/n: Hey guys! This book will be coming to an end shortly. However, the teaser chapter of books four and five have been posted. I also have plenty of other works for you to enjoy. And, look forward to my upcoming podcast! Thank you for your continued support :)

 And, look forward to my upcoming podcast! Thank you for your continued support :)

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