Bonus Chapter : Panic

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Author's Note

In celebration of Amazon Prime Video's newest series Panic, I am thrilled to be teaming up with Amazon Prime Video and Wattpad to write this exclusive chapter that puts my characters from this story into the world of Panic!

I hope this chapter intrigues and inspires you to learn more about Panic. Visit the #PanicWritingContest on Wattpad for the chance to put your creative writing chops to the test and learn more about the show!

To find out more about the contest, prizes, and how to enter, check out the #PanicWritingContest here:

Don't forget to watch the series premiere on May 28th, only on Amazon Prime Video, here:


"Alright," I said, glancing around. "You guys ready?"

I could barely make out their faces in the moonlight—Aiden, Maple, Arden. Still, I could see the unwavering determination on their shadowed faces.

Well, except one.

"This grass is really itchy," Aiden said, bending down to scratch his leg.

I pressed my lips together and glanced away to see Arden mirroring my exasperated expression. Maple was rolling her eyes.

"Ready?" I repeated, this time staring straight at Aiden.

Aiden glanced up and saw all of us staring at him. He coughed and jumped upright, nodding. "Of course I'm ready. I was born ready, Princess," he drawled.

Arden groaned.

I could feel a headache coming on. "Good. I'm sure you won't mind going with your brother then? Me and Maple will go this way."

"Wait." Aiden blinked. "But—I thought—"

"You thought what?" I asked, injecting saccharine sweetness into my tone, tilting my head to the side.

"Um. Nothing," Aiden said, and then managed to collect himself. "Right. Me and Arden, this way, you and Maple that way."

"And we meet up again in twenty minutes," Maple added.

"Alright, then," I said, nodding at all of them. "Let's go."

Maple and I waved goodbye to the twins and turned away, walking in the opposite direction.

"Eyes and ears open," I whispered. "Apparently this place is booby-trapped."

"Oh, yes it is," Maple said, throwing a hand in front of me.

I stopped, followed her line of sight. Ah. There.

A trip wire gleaming silver in the moonlight.

"What do you think that does?" Maple asked, looking at it with far more curiosity, and much less fear than I thought was wise.

"I really don't want to find out," I answered, and stepped over it quickly, leading Maple to do the same. "Come on, we don't want anyone to catch us here."

After about half the time, it became clear that Spurlock's farm was most certainly not in the direction we were going. When I turned back to Maple, I didn't even have to say anything. The same realization was written all over her face.

"It's about time to be getting back anyways," Maple whispered.

I nodded, and we hurried back to the designated spot, waiting for the boys. It only took a few minutes for them to appear, covered in dirt.

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