Chapter 61

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I opened my eyes, blinking in the bright light.

I was lying down in a tent, the sides waving in the wind. I tried to sit up, and groaned when my stomach flipped. "Easy, Elvina." An arm slid around my waist, helping me to sit straight. I turned my head as much as I could manage, focusing on- Arden.

I blinked in confusion.

"Are you okay?" He asked, eyes full of concern. "I think so." I managed. "What happened?" He tilted his head to the side. "Well, after we beat the soldiers, you fainted. And we brought you here. I was just waiting for you to wake up."

I half-smiled. "Thanks." He removed his hand, blushing deep crimson. I hoped I wasn't blushing. I coughed. He coughed. "Um...where are Maple and Aiden and your parents?" I said quickly, feeling the temperature in the tent go up by- um, a lot.

His smile disappeared. "Oh, about that..." He hesitated. "What?" I asked quickly. "We found out how those soldiers found us." "How?" I asked apprehensively. "Maple." I froze. What was he saying? Maple wouldn't betray us. Not possible.

He read my face quickly. "No, not like that! She didn't betray us or anything. Do you know how Ivy found us the first time?" I nodded quickly. "Well...she did the same thing with Maple?" "What?" I gasped. He nodded somberly.

"How didn't we realize?" My question burst out in the empty space between us. This had happened before. How- why hadn't we checked? How could we have been so careless? "We were only here for a few days, and everyone was so busy... no one remembered."

"Where's Maple?" I asked. He winced. "She isn't doing so well. She's feeling really guilty." "So was I." I murmured under my breath. "I have to go see her." Arden looked at me with his eyebrows raised. "Are you sure? I don't think you're well enough to-" "I'm fine." I cut him off, and tried to stand.

I was not fine. I immediately toppled, making Arden jump up and hold me. "See? Elvina, just stay here." "Let's go." I said, ignoring his comment. He sighed and, supporting me with his arm around my waist, helped me out.

We walked slowly, because my head was spinning, and I was dizzy. Obviously just from the feat I had just performed, not anything else, like Arden, or his closeness, or his arm around my waist- no. Of course not. And I was definitely not blushing.

We hobbled deeper into the Forest, something I was wary about considering that Ivy's soldiers had just emerged from there. But I supposed they'd checked it all, otherwise they wouldn't have let me go.

We reached a pristine lake, the water lapping onto the small green plants at it's edge. Maple sat on the shore, staring into the still waters. Aiden was standing with his back to her, looking out into the Forest.

"Maple?" I tried. She started, and looked up. The tip of her nose had become red, and her eyes were puffy. "Elvina!" She cried, rushing up to throw her hands around me. I returned the hug immediately, squeezing her comfortingly.

Aiden had whirled around when she had cried out, and was now walking over, green eyes dark. "It was my fault." She said, breaking away. "Mape, it wasn't." Then I was interrupted by Aiden mumbling, "It kind of was." I glared at him. "It was everyone's fault. We all forgot to check for Ivy's trace. Do not blame her."

"I'm with Elvina. It wasn't your fault, Maple." Arden said soothingly. She glanced at us hopefully. "You really think so?" "Yes." Arden said. "We really think so." I promised. Then Arden and I glared at Aiden until he finally raised his hands up in surrender. "Fine. It wasn't only her fault."

I rolled my eyes. "Which means it was partially your fault too." He shrugged. "Yeah, I didn't remember how Ivy found our first camp. I'm not trying to avoid the blame." Arden shook his head at his twin. "Really uplifting, Aid, thanks."

 Aiden nodded. "Of course. Now. Let's go back to camp."

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