Chapter 62

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Luckily, we found Birch quickly.

He was just coming out of a tent when we cornered him. "What?" He asked, looking confusedly between our faces. "So, dad, what's the plan now?" Aiden said first. "What plan?" Birch asked. "What are we going to do now?" Arden clarified.

Birch seemed to understand. "Well, you four are going to do nothing. You're going to wait here. While we send spies to the palace, then attack." "Why can't we fight too!" Aiden said, trying and failing to keep his voice controlled. "You're too young. And we can't risk any of you. Try to understand." Birch argued. "We're not kids, Dad." Arden said, more successful with appearing calm.

"You're not of age either." Birch pointed out. "We almost are!" Aiden said. Birch arched an eyebrow. "Maple and Elvina are sixteen, and you two are eighteen. Two long years until you're twenty, and four for you girls. So don't say you're almost of age."

"Dad." Arden said. "We've fought a lot. We've earned it, we've all proved ourselves. We can fight in this war." Birch sighed. "I don't want to talk about it. You're young, we can't risk you. In any case, there's nothing you can do."

"What do you mean, there's nothing we can do? You said you were going to send spies. Why can't we go?" Aiden said loudly. "This topic is over. We are not risking any of you. Only elves of age are allowed. It's not just my decision. All the Leaders say so. Now go make yourselves useful if you really want to help."

With that, he turned and walked away, leaving us staring and furious. Why couldn't we help? We'd all been in difficult positions and succeeded. Like Arden said, we'd earned it. "Come on, let's go. We'll talk somewhere else." Arden said.

We went back to our staying area, frustrated. Aiden especially. I could practically see the storm cloud hovering over his brown head. He led us to the outskirts of the camp, where we could talk without being overheard, and sat down angrily, leaning on a tree.

Arden and I glanced at each other, and sat down too, followed by Maple. "So, then...what's our plan?" Arden said finally. "We're going. Or at least I am." Aiden said immediately. "You heard Dad, we can't go." Arden argued.

"We can't go with his permission. But if we sneak out? I can't stand to be here knowing nothing while they're all out fighting." Aiden countered. "Well...what if we don't fight. What if we go with the spies?" I suggested.

"We can't leave them like that. Think of how worried Mom and Meadow will be." Arden said. "Ard, I'm not staying back here. It'll kill me as much as the fighting will. Mom and Mead will be fine. They'll be safe. We can always leave a note or something."

"I really don't think that will alleviate their worry." Arden said. "I'm not staying. I don't know about you." Aiden said, looking at him decisively. "We're not letting you go alone." Arden said, staring back at his twin.

"So...when?" I asked. Arden looked at me, as if just realizing I was there. "I don't think you should come." He announced. I raised my eyebrows. "And why not?" He fidgeted, looking uncomfortable under my glare.

"Well, if we win this'll be Queen. So... we can't let you die. We can't risk you." His words slammed into me, knocking the breath out of me. Queen. How could I be Queen? I had never been trained for ruling. I didn't know anything. That job wasn't for me. The uncertainty threatened to consume me, but I pushed it back. We might not even win, anyways.

"We'll cross that bridge when we get to it. I'm coming, whether you like it or not." I said. Arden sighed but didn't argue further, like he knew I'd never stay back.

"So what's the plan? When are we leaving?" Maple asked. Aiden and Arden traded glances.

Finally Aiden said, "As soon as we get weapons."

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