Chapter 14

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As I walked silently, a bit behind the guard, the train of my dress trailing behind me, my heart beat continuously. Much as I tried to stifle it.

Finally he left me at the tall wood doors.

I nodded at the guards at the doors, and they pushed the doors open.

The entire Council stared as I came in.

My mother was there, sitting on her Throne, Forreston at her side. The Council was seated on the benches on either side of the platform where her Throne was, leaving a clear path in the middle of the room.

Ivy and Forreston glared daggers as I entered. Branch was even worse. If looks could kill, I'd be dead. Long since dead.

I tried not to let my anxiety show as I walked to the center of the room. "Good Lords," I said, turning to face the Elven Council, "As you know, it has been an ancient custom to let a royal, upon the threshold of their sixteenth year, make an Amendment, or add something, to our Laws- if the reigning Monarch sees fit. I have come, now, to perform the duty of all my ancestors.With the Queen's consent, of course (here I turned to my mother)."

She still glared at me, but she couldn't do anything, not with my whole 'proper' speech, and the fact that this was actually a rule. This, of course, didn't stop her from glowering at me.

Maybe she saw the complacent look on my face.

I could clearly see her tightening her jaw. A vein pulsed in her cheek. "Fine." she said finally, through gritted teeth. "I allow you."

I nodded, a small smile on my face as I walked up onto the platform, where there was a small separation between me and the Throne.

I thought of my sisters before I began. I'd been rehearsing my speech since last night.

"Lords of this Council, I have come to completely abolish a Law of our Forest." One of the Lords stood up. I recognized him as Sir Calhoun, a staunch supporter of my mother. "This has never occurred in the past, Princess." "Then why should it not happen now?"

He sat back down.

I continued, "This Law should have been abolished years ago, for it oppresses the elves' rights. Which, of course, cannot be allowed. So, the Law which I want to abolish is (I took a breath) the Law that states that no elf can question the reigning Monarch."

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