Chapter 88

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Only two days now.

I was getting chills all over my body whenever I thought about it. In forty-eight hours, one way or another, this would all be over. I also hadn't talked to Aiden. Well, I hadn't even seen him. It was kind of driving me crazy, but I had this nagging feeling that the next time I saw him would be moments before the attack, which did not bode well.

Meanwhile, in our room, in the night, Tansy had mentioned how many soldiers, against all odds, were disappearing to join the rebels. Then Maple had asked, quite casually, "What do you think about the rebels?"

The girls had traded confused glances until Leilani said, "What do you mean, Tulip?" Maple hesitated. "I mean, do you think they're right? That we should join them?" "It's not safe to talk like that here." Sakura had said sharply, just like Lotus had when Maple had asked her. Jessamine continued quietly, "Even if we do want to...we can't. The guards might make it out, but we maids? They'll kill us before we step out of these doors. The security's really tight nowadays. It'd have to be, know." And that had ended that topic.

And then that day flew away too.

I don't think I slept that night, no matter how much I tried. I kept thinking...what would happen after the war? It was crazy. I could be dead, a prisoner, or...I felt nauseous just thinking of it- the Queen. Me. Was this happening?

Why was this happening? I couldn't understand it. Why did wars even have to happen? It was ridiculous and awful. But it was happening.

While cleaning the library, I was, for once, glad I was pretending to be mute. That way, my silence, caused by a jumble of nerves was nothing unusual. Maple had to pretend to be normal. Begonia and Celosia didn't seem to be disturbed (they used the silence for more talking), but while leaving the library, Lotus said, "Are you coming down with something? You're really quiet."

Maple looked alarmed for a moment, and quickly covered up. "Um, no, nothing. I'm just...tired, you know, first days in the palace." Lotus didn't look convinced, but she accepted it with a pinch of worry and left.

Maple and I kept glancing at each other worriedly, which was probably risky, but we couldn't help it. The Waratah sisters, of course, weren't disturbed, but I was too preoccupied to be irritated by their inane chatter.

They finally left, though, and we reached our room. All the others were hovered around something. As soon as we entered, I heard Poppy say, "Sak, why didn't you tell us?" She didn't sound particularly mad, though.

"What's going on?" Maple asked as we entered and approached. It turned out that they were all standing over Sakura, who was sitting on her bed and blushing deeply. Poppy held a piece of paper in her hands, and all the girls were reading it over her shoulders.

Their expressions ranged from astonishment to happiness. "What's that?" Maple asked. Poppy passed the paper to her, and we read it together. It said:

My dearest Sakura,

When are you coming back? Darling, every day here without you is like torture. It's like I'm not living without you.

My Ura, just saying 'I miss you' is not enough. A part of me is there in the palace, where the rebels can attack any day. It's not safe there. Your siblings are terribly worried for you. And as for me...I think you know. My every thought, every day is occupied by you. I can't stop thinking about you.

I imagine you smiling at me as I write this, your cheeks blushing, your long hair swept over one shoulder. Have I ever told you that I love the way your eyes light up when you laugh? I know you are shaking your head at my foolishness as you read this, wondering why you ever loved such a... such an incredibly sentimental fool. Sakura, I don't know why you love me, but I know why I love you. But you'll have to hear it from me, so you'll have to come back. And that's all I want. For you to come back.

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