Chapter 57

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"Oh! Sorry- oh, hello, Miss Elm!"

We all looked up in surprise at the tall figure who had just bumped into Maple. He was wearing the regular silver of a palace guard, and for a moment my heart leaped into my throat, when Maple said, "Pecan!"

He had light brown, messy hair and dark, brown eyes, and looked a few years older than the rest of us. He gave her a flirty smile. "Hey, Maple." Did I detect a blush? She arched an eyebrow (though there was a slight tinge of pink on her cheek, too) and turned back to us. "Guys, this is Pecan Ainsley, a guard at the palace. Pecan, this is Arden, Aiden, and- Elvina."

His eyes widened, and he bowed so deeply I involuntarily took a step back. "Princess." I glanced at my companions. Maple shrugged and smiled at me, Aiden was nearly shaking with laughter, offering me no help, and Arden was looking surprised and almost amused.

"Um." I said wisely. "You- you really don't have to do that. Please don't call me Princess, uh, Pecan." He straightened immediately. "Am I supposed to do something else?" "Yeah, you have to kneel and kiss her feet." Aiden said, barely holding it in.

I shot him a glare, which he returned with a smug smirk, then looked down in surprise at the guard who was actually kneeling.

I think I jumped back.

He looked up, looking wounded. I hastened to explain. "Uh, Pecan, don't believe anything this guy says. I meant don't call me Princess. I'm just a normal elf. Call me Elvina." He stood up, looking highly embarrassed. "Thanks a lot." He muttered to Aiden, who shrugged while still smirking in a way that made me either want to slap him again or- nevermind.

"Are you sure?" Pecan asked. I tilted my head. "Okay, you're sure. Yeah, okay...Elvina." I smiled. "Good." "Pecan!" We all turned to see another soldier, about as old as Pecan, walking up. He had dark brown hair, neatly combed, and light brown eyes.

"Hey, Al." Pecan said, slinging his arm around the other guy. The soldier flashed a quick grin at the rest of us. "Hello." "Almond." Maple said. "Maple." He nodded. "Guys, this is Almond Bryn. Almond- Arden, Aiden and Elvina."

Luckily, he didn't have the same reaction as Pecan. He only bowed once with a warm smile. "Princess." "Please, call me Elvina." I said (quite graciously considering how any times I'd had to say this). "Okay." He grinned.

"So. Who brought you?" Maple asked them. "Uh, what?" Pecan asked, looking confused. "Well, I didn't give either of your names, so...I'm wondering who called you two." Maple explained. "Well, Jasper recommended me. I just came yesterday." Almond said quickly. "And Adair said I should come. Good of him." Pecan answered. "Who?" Maple asked.

"Adair Oriel. Um...a soldier." Pecan said. Maple shrugged. "I guess you wouldn't know him." Pecan responded. "Okay! Anyway, Pec, I'm hungry. Let's go eat." Almond broke in. Pecan shrugged. "Okay, let's go."

The two soldiers strode off, leaving us alone again. "Who are those two?" Arden asked finally. "Soldiers I know. Well, I don't know Almond that well, but Pecan...I've known him for a pretty long time." Maple said, the pink returning to her cheeks.

"Just how close were you two?"

We all turned to Aiden. Maple blushed deeply, and said quickly, "Um, I'm going to, uh, find Fawn." She hurried away, clearly not wanting to stay under our suspicious stares. "Could she act any more obvious?" Aiden asked, raising an eyebrow in her direction.

"It's her business. Why are you poking your nose into it?" I said, glaring at him. I wasn't ready to forgive him for the whole 'Princess worshipping' prank he'd played on Pecan. He shrugged with his hands up. "Just saying." "Aid, let her deal with it. Like Elvina said, it's her business." Arden said nonchalantly.

"Whatever you say, Mr. Twin." Aiden said innocently. Mr. Twin? It was the first time I'd heard that nickname.

"Okay, so, I suggest we find Dad and ask him what's going on. He has to tell us how we're going to attack now." Arden suggested, probably trying to steer our topic in a more sensible direction.

Aiden and I agreed, and we strode off towards the big tents in search of Birch Poplar.

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