Chapter 31

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All I heard was the sound of my friend's name.

She, marry my half-brother? Who knew what would happen to her. "I feel sorry for her." Arden said, shaking his head. "Maple?" I repeated.

"You know her?" Aiden asked, watching me through narrowed eyes. I nodded. "Yes, she's my best friend!" "What?" Arden cried. "Do you have any idea why she would be chosen to marry the Prince?" Birch asked urgently.

I shook my head mutely. I had no idea why Forreston would choose to marry Maple, or why Ivy would let him. All I could think about was my best friend and only companion for so long. She'd be terrified. And she'd have no choice but to comply.

"Isn't it obvious?" Aiden said.

All our eyes shot to him. "What's obvious?" Arden asked. "Why she's marrying him- or, well, being forced to marry him." "Why?" Birch asked quickly.

Aiden folded his arms. "To get to her." He said, looking at me.

I was stunned. Was Maple going through a nightmare because of me? "How?" I managed to gasp. "You were close to her, right?" I nodded. Aiden's eyes stared mercilessly at mine. "She wants to capture you again. She's pretending you're dead, but of course she hasn't shown the body-" "What?" I gasped. He ignored the interruption. "So she wants you dead as proof. The Throne will only be Forreston's. Or, if you don't go, she wants to capture a rebel. Probably someone important, who she can get information out of. Because she knows someone will come to rescue that girl. It's all part of her plan."

I couldn't breathe. I wanted to say he was lying, but I knew firsthand just how cruel and devious my mother could be. Of course she would do this.

"I doesn't matter. She's my best friend. I have to go!"

"No." Birch said sharply. "We didn't rescue you so you could get yourself killed." "I'm not leaving her there!" "We won't leave her there. We'll send someone for the rescue."

"And if that person gets captured?" Aiden said, glaring at us all. "We can't risk our valuable elves for someone who won't be a help."

This time, I glared back at him. Did he have no feelings? How could he even think of leaving Maple like that? From a logical point of view, maybe what he was saying was right. But my heart wouldn't let me agree with it.

"Aiden. She will be a help. She's a maid. She'll have knowledge of the castle's inner passages and information about everything up to the smallest details like when the guards rotate." Birch said, staring sternly at his son

"Yes. She knows a lot about the palace, secret passages and all. She used to visit me in the dungeons even though there were a million guards. And she'll know plenty of people who don't agree with the current government. She'll know which soldiers are with our cause and who are with the Queen. She'll be very, very valuable." I said quickly, to give more reasons why Maple should be saved.

Aiden's eyes flickered to me once, an odd, suspicious look, before turning back to his father.

"We will save her, Elvina. I'll meet with the leaders to decide who will go. We can't risk a large group." Birch reassured.

I allowed myself to to take a breath. 

"I'll go." Arden suggested.

I stopped breathing again.

"It's too dangerous!" I said at the same time Aiden cried, "What?" "No, I'm one of the top fighters, I'm young enough to blend in as a servant,'s important to you."

The last part was addressed to me.

"Arden, thank you, but-" "It's fine." he cut me off. Birch sighed. "Well, it's good for seeing how you are in a fight, or for spying. I'll get a group, I'll talk to the Leaders, can go." He didn't look very happy, of course. He was letting his own son walk into danger for my friend.

"What about Mom?" Aiden asked. He seemed to have accepted that Arden would go. "You tell her. Arden, come with me." Birch and Arden strode off in the direction of the big tents.

Aiden threw me an accusatory look and walked inside, presumably to find his mother. I sighed and followed him.

My day had taken a very unexpected turn.

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