Chapter 90

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And then everything melted away.

I finally had my whole family together, and just then, the scene melted away, and I was left with the glorious image of Nalvia there before me. 'What was that? Why'd you take me away?' I demanded.

You had to understand. And now you have. You are the first elf to be so close to me. And you will fulfill your purpose. But she is staying here. And you will not see me again. Goodbye, Elvina.

I stared in confusion until she melted away and I was left standing in the mound of dirt that had once encaged me. But...Ivy wasn't with me. Why was Ivy not with me? The dirt melted away, leaving me standing in Ivy's room with a very shocked Branch and Forreston staring at me.

"Where's Ivy?" Branch yelled. "Uh..." I stumbled back, too shocked to do anything sensible, "You killed Mom?" Forreston shouted. "Technically, I didn't-" I couldn't continue. What exactly had happened?

Their faces changed from shock to outrage as they ran from the corners of the room towards me, pulling out their swords as they came. I didn't have my swords, and I wasn't able to move. Then the door flew open and they stopped, about to run me through.

I turned, and first I couldn't realize who it was over the thudding of my heart. Aiden, Arden and Maple had chosen that moment to show up, which, may I say, was quite lucky. They took stock of the situation in a split second. Their swords were already out, and they quickly stood in front of me.

Maple rushed to me and pulled me back quickly. "What happened? Where's Ivy?" I opened my mouth, but nothing came out. For a moment, we all were frozen, and I started to regain my senses.

Ivy was gone. I finally knew the truth about why she'd been the way she was. Finally, everything made sense. After so long.

Forreston's eyes flicked to Maple. He grinned strangely and Maple stumbled back into me.  Suddenly it was like I was supporting her instead of her supporting me. Arden glanced back once, and that was precisely when Forreston struck. He would've killed him if Maple hadn't screamed, "Watch out!"

He stumbled back, Forreston's sword barely missing him. Maple stumbled back and Arden righted himself quickly, catching the next strike. Branch leaped to help his son, and Aiden jumped in front of him, engaging him too.

Maple and I stared in horror, watching the boys fight the King and his father. Branch jabbed at Aiden, who dodged to the left and brought his sword back up. Branch whirled and thrust his sword out, but Aiden dodged, all the while keeping his back to us.

The fought wildly, slashing and cutting, but none of them seemed to gain the upper hand. Until Forreston feinted, Arden misjudged, fell, and Forreston barreled past him to us- well, Maple, really. I stepped in front of her quickly, because she seemed too stunned to move, and caught his sword on mine.

But he had the advantage of size and strength. In an instant he pushed me aside, so hard I landed on my back and had all the wind knocked out of me. I was frozen, watching his hand grab Maple's waist, grinning while she was statue still- and freeze.

He jerked once, his hand falling limp, the sword clattering to the ground. His knees gave way and he fell onto the floor, rolling onto his stomach as Maple stepped back in horror. He landed on his stomach, and my eyes fell on the sword jutting out of his back.

Arden had thrown his sword with deadly accuracy, but Forreston wasn't quite dead. He gurgled in pain, blood spurting out of his mouth. As horrible as he had been, I felt pity for him. It wasn't his fault his parents had twisted him into a monster.

His torture didn't last long. A final twitch, and he was still. My eyes followed Arden as he stepped close to Maple, whispering, "Are you okay?" Maple didn't respond, eyes still stuck on the body of the dead King, his blood on her dress.

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