Chapter 69

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"I have an idea: Let's not do this anymore." Maple said.

"I second that idea." I said. Aiden and Arden glanced at each other. Maple and I exchanged a glance, too- one of hope. We were both very tired out by learning how to use a sword (obviously). "Okay." Aiden said finally.

Maple sighed and tilted her head back in relief. "Thank Nalvia." We sat down on the grass. We were a bit closer to the old camp, having taken a break to walk further during practice. By now, they must have discovered that we were gone. Guilt squeezed at my heart when I thought about Grove, Birch and Meadow, who'd done so much for us only to have us abandon them.

"So, what will we do when we reach the palace?" Arden asked. He didn't direct his question to Aiden, but to all of us. "Spy. Hopefully kill the Queen." Aiden said. That was not a very clear plan. "Any ideas on how we're going to accomplish this? It's going to be a miracle if we even manage to get in the palace, forget about Ivy." I said, raising my eyebrow at him.

His cheeks turned slightly red. "We'll find work as servants." "People will recognize us. Especially me." Maple said, worry creasing her brow. Aiden turned to his twin. "You haven't shown her yet?"

Arden shook his head. "Showed me what?" Maple asked, glancing between the three of us. "Don't freak out." Aiden said. He did what he had shown me before crossing the village when we were escaping to the new rebel camp.

He lifted his index finger and pointed it at the sky. His finger seemed to draw out a blue tendril of sky. He pulled his hand toward his eye and jerked it at the wrist, flinging the strand towards his eyes. It split into two and entered each of his eyes.

He lifted his eyelids, and Maple gasped. His eyes were blue. "You- you just- what?" She stammered, staring at him. "Well, that's how we're sneaking in." I offered. She didn't stop gaping at us until Arden said, "Yeah, it's pretty shocking, but, let's move on."

She shut her mouth and shook her head. "Okay. Moving on." "Is our break over?" Aiden asked. I glared at him. He seemed to have an endless amount of energy and seemed to think that we did too. "No."

He threw up his hands in an equally exasperated and surrendering gesture. "Don't blame me later if you two don't know how to fight." I groaned. Arden suggested a compromise "Let's not do swords anymore. How about instead we start the bows and arrows? That'll be fine, right?"

"Fine."Aiden grumbled. I exchanged a tired glance with Maple, but we both pushed ourselves up. Arden handed me a bow, and Aiden gave one to Maple. "Okay, so, you have to hold it like this."

Arden stood behind me, hands on my hands as he showed me the right place to grip it and pulled the string. I felt his hot breath on my neck as he breathed deeply while teaching me how to hold it. His body heat wrapped around me because he was so close.

My cheeks turned red, but I managed to pay attention closely enough. Finally he pulled away, going back to join his brother. And then it was archery training. Nalvia only knew when Aiden was going to spare us.

The boys were absolutely relentless. Which only got worse when I failed to hit a single target. That was frustrating. They made us train till late afternoon, when we finally forced them into a break.

And then back to training.

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