Chapter 76

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I tried to tell myself Nalvia had a purpose.

But it seemed like her purpose was trying to make my head explode with confusion. Nalvia was supposed to be the embodiment of all things good, eternal, pure. She was supposed to be the answer to our questions. Instead, every single time she showed me something, I was left with more and more questions.

Scenes from the visions she had showed me flew by my mind's eye. To block this, I opened my eyes.

I registered dirt.

I blinked and pushed myself upright. And then I looked around. I had been lying down in a cave. Harsh light was streaming in from the mouth. Our packs were here, too. And...Aiden? He was sleeping on the other side of the cave. What was he doing here?

It was different to see him like this. His usually tough face was replaced by a vulnerable, serene one. He looked so different.

I pushed myself up and walked out. Arden and Maple were there, practicing with swords. Maple saw me first. "El, you're awake!" She rushed to me. "Are you okay?" I nodded. "What happened?" Arden asked, approaching us.

"Nalvia showed me...something." I answered. "What?" Maple gasped. I told them the whole thing. When I was done, I didn't think I was the only one with a migraine. Arden shook his head. "This is-" "Crazy." Maple supplied.

I nodded. "Definitely. Anyways, what happened to Aiden?" Arden sighed. "After you washed away those soldiers, you suddenly fainted. So Aiden said he'd try the travelling-through-the-trees thing. We went really far, past our old camp. We're really close to the castle now. But then he passed out, once we came here. So we put you both there."

"We're...almost to the palace?" I said hesitantly. Being back in the place of my childhood was not very appealing. I glanced at Maple and saw she shared my uneasiness. It hadn't been a great place for her, either. "Yeah." Arden said.

"Come on, you want to practice?" Maple asked, changing the subject. I shrugged. "Okay." Arden took a break, leaning on a tree watching Maple and I fake-spar. It didn't feel too strange, but I didn't feel very balanced. Maple and I were evenly matched.

After only a few minutes, Arden stopped us. "Hold on. Elvina, try this." He picked up another sword and tossed it to me. I caught it. "You want me to use this instead of this one?" He shook his head. "I want you to use both."

"Two swords?" I asked. He grinned. "Try it." I shrugged and faced Maple again. "Wait, won't she be at a disadvantage?" He sighed. "If we're in the palace, we'll be in disguise. We can't use the Forest if we get into trouble, otherwise our real appearance will be revealed. So you have to fight. And do you think anyone there is going to care about advantages or disadvantages? You fight either way."

I turned back to Maple. Luckily, they didn't feel very heavy. "Let's start." She said. We started. And something felt different. My attacks came more easily. I felt more balanced on both sides. I moved more swiftly, defended her attacks quickly.

About two minutes into the match, I ducked and came up, thrusting up my sword, making the sword fall out of her hand. The next moment, my other sword was at her throat.

For a moment, we were dead silent.

"Whoa!" "That was amazing!" Arden and Maple cried at the same time. I lowered my hands, feeling more stunned than them. What had just happened? "Did I just-" "Yes, you did." Arden answered. "El, that was...unbelievable!"

Arden sucked in a breath. "More than that, it was... I don't know what to say." I shook my head. "What's the big deal? I mean, I had the advantage, right?" Arden let out a breath as a small laugh. "Elvina, you don't get it. Fighting with two swords, with that level of's really hard. It's incredibly difficult. I don't know anyone who got it that easily! It's almost impossible. Wow."

I steadied my breathing. "Really?" He nodded, and I didn't have any reply. "That is...El, that's amazing, really." Maple breathed.

"Try with me." Arden said, flipping up a sword with his leg and catching it My eyes widened. "Are you sure?" He nodded. "Very sure. Come on." Maple backed away, giving us room.

He started, thrusting his blade at me so fast I could barely move away. He attacked much faster than Maple, so much so that it was all I could do to parry. But soon I found my footing and started fighting back. I attacked and retreated. We drove each other around trees, ducking and swirling- until my left sword connected with his strongly, and the blade flew into the bushes.

His mouth dropped open. So did mine. But he grinned hugely a moment later. Maple rushed in and squeezed me tight. "Yes!" I began to smile. "Wow." Arden nodded happily to himself.

"What?" I asked as Maple let go of me. He grinned. "I can't wait to see Aid's face when you beat him." I shook my head. "Oh, no, I will definitely not beat him." He snorted. "Just watch. You won with me, didn't you? He's only a bit better than me." As if on cue, Aiden stepped out of the cave. "What's going on?"

Maple and I exchanged a glance.

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