What is it about Men?

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Huge dark clouds cover the valley washing it with warm spring rain. A perfect opportunity to stay inside and catch up with friends. Adella sits next to the fireplace at Emily's house to dry up her clothes. Emily throws a towels over her friend's shoulders before starting a kettle for tea.

"Okay now," she pulls up a chair, "Catch me up on the whole Harvella saga." Emily grinned paying attention.

"The what saga?" Adella lightly chuckles in confusion.

"Harvella. It's my ship name for you two." She explained.

"That's cool, I'm guess." The farmer stated slightly amused.

"Well cmon! I'm dying to hear what happened when he came back the second time!"

"Alright, alright," Adella started gesturing to her to calm down as a pink hue spread across her cheeks, "After Shane walked me home and  like a few minutes I hear a knock on my door. Obviously, it was Harvey but I was so surprised to see him cause he told me he wouldn't get back to the valley till spring."

"Aw, but that's sweet that he came back on the Feast of the Winter Star," Emily grinned, "Bet that was your wish huh?" She teased.

"Well yeah," she agreed, "He also had a boutique of pink roses—"


"And he also got me a necklace as a gift." Adella smiled moving the towel to show her.

"Ooh... that's gorgeous!" Emily beamed leaning in closer to look at it, "You know, I kinda figured he would have good taste in jewelry." She nodded.

Both of the women jump a bit to the noise the kettle squealing. Emily quickly gets up taking it off the burner and makes them a cup of tea.

"So did you get him anything?" Emily asked gingerly handing the farmer a hot cup.

"I was making wine but it wasn't ready by the time he got back. I did tell him that but that was after we started... 'catching up.'" Adella's checks turn red using air quotes.

"You two did not!" She gasped gripping onto her cup, "Was it different from your guys' first time?"

"Before I continue," the farmer paused glancing down into her cup, "Harvey sees everyone in town, including you. I'm fairly comfortable talking about my sex life and I don't want word getting out that he's into some really weird kinky shit if he didn't want it to, you know?"

"Yeah I get it," Emily nodded, "You don't want to embarrass him, which is totally understandable, especially whenever I go for a check up having the knowledge of what he's in to."

"Yes, exactly!" Adella exclaimed relieved that they're on the same page.

"You don't have to worry about rumors starting here. Haley and I agree whatever is said or done in this house stays this house." She affirmed, "So start spilling." Emily stated resting her chin in her hands.

"Alright," Adella exhaled, "He was more comfortable the second time and that's when I realized he's into biting."

"Really? But I didn't see any hickeys on your neck." She questioned touching the rim of her cup to her lips.

"Oh I have them," the farmer confirmed, "They're just not on my neck." She takes a sip of her tea witnessing Emily choke on her tea.

Even with the house rules established, Adella got startled when another voice enters the conservation while her friend coughs from her drink going down the wrong pipe.

"That just proves my theory!" Haley chimed in from the living room.

Emily coughed one last time before rolling her eyes, "Your theory doesn't prove anything, Haley, and weren't you in your bedroom?"

"I was and then I heard the kettle go off and I wanted some tea." Haley pointed out walking into the kitchen and making herself a cup, "Plus I think it would be fun explaining to your friend my ingenious theory."

Adella furrowed her brows seeing confused and intrigued at the blonde, "And what theory are you talking about?"

"It doesn't have a name yet," she started taking the seat across from Emily, "But the whole premiss is if someone presents themselves well like wearing nice clothes, well-groomed, and cordial around people they are a freak in private and vice versa."

"Personally I don't believe it cause people can wear whatever they want and be whatever they want to be in private." Emily objected.

Adella slowly nods realizing she witness both ends of that spectrum within the past few days. She never thought it would come a day when Haley made a good point.

"Well... there's something else happened that night that could make it true." Adella sheepishly put out there feeling her stomach drop.

"Okay, what happened?"

"Spill the tea, sis."

"After Shane and I got to my house. He noticed the mistletoe and... we kissed." She spilled glancing at her cup.

"You did not!" Both sisters blurt out.

"Yes I did!" The farmer cried feeling her chest get crushed with guilt.

"Does Harvey know?" Emily asked worried.

"Who cares if the doctor knows?" Haley exclaimed clearly unfazed from the daggers Emily was shooting at her, "Farm girl is spilling some wicked good tea."

The blonde groaned rolling her eyes, "Puh-lease I wouldn't dream of breaking the house rules, and how does this pertain to my theory?" Haley questioned wanting to get to the point.

"No he doesn't and Shane came by yesterday and helped me out with the hay bales," Adella starts, "We joked a bit then he starts teasing me cause I sing to my animals and then he brings up the kiss in like a flirty way? I'm not sure." She explained playing with her fingers.

"Sounds like he has a crush on you." Haley stated bluntly.

"What?! No!" Adella objected, "He's my best guy friend and he knows I'm in a relationship!"

"To be fair, he can be a bit of an asshole but he can be a nice guy once you get to know him." Emily recounted.

Her sister brushed it off her comment and looks back at Adella, "He randomly came over to see you, wanted to show off by helping you, joked around with you, and brought up the fact that you two kissed." Haley listed, "Sounds like a crush to me." She gets up leaving the kitchen.

Adella sighs trying to let some her guilt and panic escape her body. She looks at Emily for much needed guidance, "I really like Harvey and I like Shane as a friend but what if it's more than that? I don't want to ruin the relationships I have." She pleaded.

"You need to decide for yourself if you like Shane that way or not, but you need to be direct with him and say you only see him as a friend." Emily advised, "Because you'll break some hearts or even worse your own if you don't have your feelings in order."

"You're right," the farmer lowers her head letting her face get covered with her hair, "What is it about men that makes dating suck more than it should?"

"Because men will leave you feeling confused if they don't love you." Emily preached.

"You're preaching to the choir."

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