Braun over Brains

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With one week left in spring, Adella is winding down her spring production in preparation for summer. She asked Harvey about stopping by to help with picking flowers for the upcoming Flower Dance but he got caught with work at the clinic. The farmer couldn't be too disappointed since he spends almost all his free time with her anyway.

Luckily, Shane stopped by to bring her more hay for her animals. He'll do anything to get out of working at Jojamart for a day to help her around the farm. Adella struggled finding her way out of her greenhouse nearly dropping her hastily stacked produce until Shane swooped in taking some of the load.

"Careful there, farmer!" He exclaimed.

Startled, Adella glanced around for the source of the voice then saw him once he took to the crate blocking her view, "Oh, thank you so much!" She sighed relieved.

"Appreciate it cause that's my cardio for the year." Shane stated taking a moment breathe.

She giggled at him and rearranged her crates, "C'mon I need your help carrying these to the shipping bin."

"Ugh," he groaned picking up some crates, "Give me a sec and I'll carry some over."

"Alright, don't take all day." Adella called out to him making her way over to the shipping bin near her house.

The weight of the produce slowed her walking pace a tad but at least the risk of dropping her season's work was eliminated. She gets to the house and feels arms wrap around her waist lifting her up. Adella squealed in fright still holding onto the crate. She spots Shane's blue hoodie sleeve for the corner of her eye and demanded to be put down. He carried the last few feet to the shipping bin before finally giving into her request.

"Don't you dare do that to me again, Shane!" She warned hitting him but not hard, "I almost dropped the strawberries because of you!"

Shane laughed taking the blows, "Fine, fine! I won't do it again." He continued laughing so hard tears formed in his eyes, "You sounded so funny though!" He wheezed.

Adella's face turned a bright shade of red and used her anger to literally knock some sense into him, "Shut up! You're supposed to be helping me carry stuff over here."

"And I did!" He grinned wiping his eyes then his smile disappeared noticing how anger she is, "Okay I'm sorry."

She ignored him and marched over to other crates. The farmer gets pulled back by her hand and stops herself facing centimeter away from him.

"If you come by the saloon dinner's on me." Shane offered apologetically.

Adella paused for a moment to think of her response. Her anger from earlier would've made her shot back with a decline but those few seconds of looking into his soft brown eyes made her lost for words.

"And this time I won't shill out for just pepper poppers." He added.

"Ooh, feeling like Mr. Big Bucks tonight?" She joking flirted.

"Only when I'm making it up to a beautiful woman." Shane flirted back.

"Okay, that's were I draw the line." Adella protested pushing him away, "This has to stop." She strutted back over to the greenhouse.

"Come on, it was just a compliment." Shane retorted following her.

"Yeah, but you're saying it to someone who's in a committed relationship." She argued.

"So?" He shrugged, "It's not like I've ever hear the doctor compliment you."

"Now wait a minute!" Adella started, "Harvey has so complimented me before!"

"Oh yeah, name the most recent?" Shane challenged.

"'You're a great dancer', 'you're doing so well on your farm', 'you look wonderful today', 'you make the best coffee'. Shall I go on?" She quoted picking up the remaining crates.

"Alright, alright point taken." He surrendered watching her carry it over, "Again I'm sorry, I'll still pay for dinner if you'd like."

"I might have to think about that." Adella pondered glancing back at him.

She continued forward a bit not looking in front of them hear a very familiar voice.

"Think about what darling?" Harvey asked stepping onto the property.

"Harvey!" She smiled dropping her crate before running over to hug him, "We were just talking about getting dinner at the saloon. I thought you were crazy busy today?"

"I finished my work early so I can help you." He smiled hugging back, "Having dinner at the saloon sounds great. The three of us can go, my treat!"

"Aww, that's so sweet of you honey." Adella grinned kissing his cheek.

"I'd like to go but I just realized I have to help Jas with her school work tonight." Shane mentioned taking the crate and putting it over by the shipping bin, "After I put those hay bales in the barn I'm gonna dip."

"Maybe I can help so you can get home faster." Harvey offered.

"Are you sure about that? Those bales can weigh around 50 pounds easy. Think you can lift that much?" Shane sneered.

"It wouldn't hurt to try." He shrugged walked over to the cart.

Shane picked a hay bale with such ease it even impressed Harvey. Confidently, he grabs a hold of it only for it to not move an inch. The doctor tries again pulling all his strength into it and for it to give him the same results.

"I can help him babe, you don't—" Adella advised before getting cutting off.

"No no no, I can do it..." Harvey huffed rolling up his sleeves, "It just requires a little bit of physics."

He pulled on the straps holding the hay together with all his weight praying the damn thing would budge. Before a sliver of progress, his fingers gave out letting gravity take him to the ground. Harvey groaned as his new reality of being parallel to the ground came to the rhythm of his throbbing hands.

"Honey! Are you okay?" Adella rushed over to side.

"Yeah... I'm okay..." He sucked in his teeth getting help up.

"Well I'm not surprised." Shane chimed in grabbing the last of them, "Counting pills is more of your forte doc." He quipped as he headed back into the barn.

Harvey stood there embarrassed as he commented on one of his biggest insecurities. If it wasn't in front of Adella he wouldn't be internalizing like he is now. He knew he couldn't protect her with how weak he is now. He wanted to able to reciprocate what she did for him last year.

"C'mon, Shane's got everything settled out here." Adella confided holding his hand, "Maybe we can go out to eat some other time. I have leftovers we can eat." She offered smiling.

"That sounds just as wonderful." Harvey smiled leaning over to kiss her, "Any dessert left over?" He asked as they walked over to her house.

"I'm not sure, maybe we can make some depending on our mood." She flirted holding onto his arm.

"Guess we'll cross that bridge when we get there."

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