If I were You

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More days go by and Adella still hadn't heard of anything from either Harvey or Shane. At least she knows the doctor is carrying out his normal routine since they catches glimpses of each other out in town. It's been radio silence with Shane after the morning of her birthday.

Rethinking on those events, Adella grew more angry with him. She told him that Harvey was coming over. Yeah, she fell on him but he shouldn't have kiss her! Whether it was an impulse or it was mediated, Shane should've controlled himself better. Seeing the mermaid's pendant after Harvey left was the cherry on top of this whole shit cake.

She stepped outside into the chilly autumn evening to stop her blood from boiling over. Taking a seat on the steps, Demeter comes through the doggy door to accompany her. Adella softly laughs feeling her licking her hand.

"Think I'm being over dramatic, Dee?" She asks scratching her ears. Demeter turns to lick her hand more aggressively then barks a few times, "It's justified, I know."

Adella sighs and rests her head on her knees. Demeter lies down next to her and shakes her foot when the farmer starts rubbing her stomach. She pulls her phone to see if she can visit Emily at work.

Hey text me when you're not busy

Few minutes go by and she gets a response.

Hey wassup?

Is it busy at the saloon rn?

No it's pretty quiet here, thinking about stopping by?

Yeah but only if Shane and Harvey aren't there

They're not
It's literally only Pam, Willy, and Clint
And please hurry, Clint is staring at me and it's freaking me out

Alright I'll be right over

Adella gave Demeter one more pet before heading into town. Dusk was settling in over the valley, the sky blending in with brightly colored tree tops. The street lamps are beginning to turn on to combat the lack of natural light.

This was her favorite time of year. Whenever she would visit her grandpa, they would carve pumpkins and set up campfires to tell her ghost stories. Other times he would teach her how to play the guitar. This season in particular gave her a lot of unforgettable memories, some better and some worse.

Adella walks into the saloon and immediately sees Emily's face light up. She didn't doubt when she it was a slow night but it was definitely not as lively as she remembered. She takes a seat at the bar closest to the door.

"Hey there stranger!" Emily smiles leaning against the counter, "What'll it be tonight?"

"Surprise me, I didn't eat much today." Adella told her playing with the little menu display.

"Alright, be right back." She went to the back through the saloon style doors.

The farmer sat there patiently, gently tapping her foot in rhythm to background music playing over the juke box. She pulled her phone out again just to see if there were any new notifications. Nothing.

As quickly as she came, Emily comes back with a big plate of food, "Here we go my friend, chef's special salmon dinner." She sets the plate in front of her with silverware, "Can I interest you in a drink?"

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