I Only have Eyes for You

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Harvey went next door to Pierre's hoping he can get some ingredients for a recipe he found online to surprise Adella later tonight. He gotten to the point with his cooking skills to where he is satisfied with the final result for someone else to eat it. Nobody's perfect at everything but he can try to put on the romantic flare with slightly burnt food.

He greets the owner before searching through the stocked shelves, collecting his items and daydreaming about how his girlfriend will like finished masterpiece.

Harvey overhears a hushed conservation in the next aisle over. He slows his movements down so he can continue gathering groceries while making out the distinct voices.

"What?! Are you sure?" A man pressed in a hush tone.

"Positive!" A woman confirmed quietly, "He was so upset a few days ago by it, he barely leaves his room now."

"Do you think he knows about them?" He asked wanting more details.

"I hope not for his sake."

Harvey scooted closer to the shelves to hear better but knocks his knee into one of the lower shelves disrupting so of the goods. He sucks on his teeth holding in a groan and a few choice words. The chattering ceased and the two shoppers drift their conversation to a different topic. He heads up to the register to save any remaining dignity he has left.

"Find everything alright, doc?" Pierre asks punching in prices into the register.

"Yeah, I guess." He answers trying to keep intrusive thoughts entering his brain.

Pierre notices his absent-mindedness as he had to repeat the total of his purchase.

"Huh?" Harvey glances at him coming back into reality.

"75g, doc." Pierre stated placing the items in paper bags.

"S-sorry." He apologizes gathering the money from his wallet. Handing it to him with blank expression.

"Everything alright?" Pierre asks putting the money in the register.

Harvey nods taking the bags, "Ye-yeah I'm fine, just thinking about something." He played off the event as nothing from the pitch in his voice.

"Alright then, take care."

He left the store with a growing pit in his stomach. All that he could think from those strangers' conservation was Adella's most recent behavior and the few interactions he saw when she was around Shane. He only prayed that his imagination was wrong.


Adella was putting the finishing touches in the living room when she heard a knock at the door. She thought it would be a fun and romantic idea to enjoy their dinner by candlelight followed up by watching a movie in blanket fort.

Even though they agreed that tonight would be like a slumber party, she wanted to throw a little bit of spice into the mix by slipping a little black number to surprise Harvey. She threw on her matching robe before greeting him at the door.

"Hey ther— whoa... you look in-incredible!" He stumbles over his words, "I-I know you said pajamas but... but I wasn't expecting this."

"That's the whole point of a surprise." Adella smirks guiding him in, "It seemed only fair since you provided the food."

Harvey nearly spills the contents of his dish as he places in onto the counter. "Making a home cooked meal and dressing... sensibly are two different oceans of thought in terms of appreciating someone." He turns around to find that Adella there cornering him.

"But both are still appreciated though, right?" She leans into placing her hands on his chest, "I wouldn't mind bringing over dinner and having the door open to you with your sleeves rolled up, a few buttons undone for a little bit of chest hair to poke out. Your tie draped around your neck and your soft curls going in every which direction would make me want to skip dinner and go straight into dessert."

She loved seeing him get all flustered, just watching him bashfully fidget and blush made her head over heels.

"Oh um... uh I guess I'm uh... I-I never really thought I was um... t-that attractive." Harvey stuttered rubbing the back of his neck, "In uh... in the grand scheme of things— personally, I-I would eat dinner first. Not to discredit on how stunning you look!" His face flushed more.

Adella giggles backing up a bit to give him space, "That's fine, honey." She smiles reaching over to grab the dishes, "Let's eat."

The pair set the table, enjoying each other company as they eat the delicious food the doctor brought over. Moments like this confirm her decision to never mention her flirtations with Shane. She already dealt with it and those feelings are passed her now. All that matters now is that she choose Harvey and morally wants to set things right.

After dinner, they clean up the dishes used before they watch a movie in the blanket fort set up in the living room. Before she finished, Harvey lifts her chin up towards him kissing her softly without giving her time to react.

Things quickly escalate when she feels a firm grip on her hips pulling her closer to him. Adella holds onto his shirt matching his touch-starved energy. On the brink of engulfing one another, Harvey pulls away leaving her anticipating for more.

"Why'd you stop?" She questions audibly panting.

"You've been teasing me all night, darling, now I'm returning the favor." He divulged kissing her again.

She felt her cheeks get hot as they indulge more into each other. Wrapping her arms around his neck and playing with his curls. Adella broke away letting out a soft gasp feeling him pin her against a wall.

Harvey pins her wrists to the sides of her head and trails kisses along her jawline. A smile creases her lips feeling his mustache brush over a ticklish spot on her neck. He let out a low moan as he nibbles the nape of her neck.

Adella bites on her lip at an attempt to keep her laughter in. Normally his mustache didn't tickle this much, but she couldn't help but squirm as he sucks on her neck.

He stopped when he heard her giggling, "What's so funny?" He releases her wrists from his grasp.

"Nothing," she giggles before reaching up to his face, "Your mustache was tickling me." She admits gently twirling the ends of it.

Harvey couldn't help but let out a small chuckle, "Sorry." He smiles apologizing, "Guess it kinda ruined the moment, huh?"

"Maybe a little bit," Adella confessed, "But we still have a movie."

"Alright, shall we head into the fort?"


They crawl into the blanket fort and got comfortable amongst the sprawl of pillows. Cuddling up underneath a blanket, Harvey pulls her onto his lap as they enjoy a romantic movie.

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