It's My Party

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Leaves lose their green pigment and adopt more vibrant warm shades as the temperature in the valley drop a few degrees. Another start to a busy season but this time, Adella had a little bit more urgency to finish her work in the next few days her birthday was coming up and Harvey mention that he has something special planned for her.

She's plowing away on her land when she felt her phone buzz in her pocket. Perfect timing since her back was starting to sting from being hunched over.

"Good morning, handsome." She beamed to Harvey over the phone.

"Morning, my dear." he greeted in a dreary tone.

"Everything alright, babe? You don't sound too happy." She inquired heading over to her shed.

"I got a letter from the Ferngil Republic Medical Board about auditing the clinic."

"That doesn't sound good," Adella commented looking for seeds, "What's gonna happen?"

"It's not as bad as it sounds," Harvey assured her, "A rep is gonna come to the valley and evaluate the records and rooms to see if it meets their standards."

"Then why are you upset? You seem to have everything handled."

"They can show up anytime they want unannounced." He sighed, "If they decide to come on your birthday, I don't know when I'll be getting out to spend time with you."

"I see." Adella nodded trying not to sound upset, "We don't have to celebrate it that day, we can hold it off until they leave."

"Are you sure? I can try to make it—"

"I'm sure, babe." She assured him, "Every birthday after 22 is the same year after year so... Plus whatever you said you have planned I'll still appreciate it any other day of the year."

"You're not wrong," Harvey chuckled agreeing with her, "I promise it'll be worth it after they leave, I love you."

"I love you too."


Adella sat on her couch flipping through the channels killing time before she could go to bed. Numbed from reading countless happy birthday messages through mail and text messages, she was actually quite surprised that not only she got a text from the doctor but also received a beautiful boutique of summer spangles and a small cake from him as well.

She texted him saying that they are beautiful but still has yet to receive a response. The farmer couldn't get too disheartened by it considering his situation. All she could do is to hope they come quickly.

A knock at the door saved her from more channel flipping and her heart stopped seeing who it is.

"Happy birthday, farmer." Shane greets holding a homemade birthday cake.

"Hey, and thanks." She smiles taking the cake out of his hands.

"I know I'm probably the last person you wanted to see today—"

"Actually, I'm glad you came by." Adella states correcting him, "I wasn't really doing anything today."

"Huh, I thought that Harvey would be here or you would be at the saloon at least."

"Nah, Harvey is dealing with something at the clinic and I don't feel like drinking tonight." She leans up against the doorway.

"C'mon, it's your birthday!" Shane exclaims extending his arms out, "At least do something fun!"

"Like what?"

"Well," he pauses for a brief second, "We take a bottle of wine with us to the mountain lake and bullshit for a bit."

Adella nods agreeing to his plan, "Gimme a sec." She closes the door to put on warmer clothes and a bottle of wine.

She meets him out at the stable next to her house and climbs on top of Diesel. Once Shane got on as well they rode up into the mountain under moonlight.

They got situated under a pine tree and crack open the starfruit wine she brought along. After a few sips for the both of them, they drunkenly start thumb wrestling.

"So do you hate your birthday or something?" Shane asks looking up from their twirling thumbs.

"I dunno," Adella starts thinking of her response, "Something always bad happens on my birthday. Got strep last year, found out my ex cheated on me the year before that, My grandpa and mom died, not in the same year."

"Damn..." he howls and feels her pin his thumb, "I'm so sorry, Adella."

"You don't have to apologize," she sighs taking another sip from the bottle, "Everything happens for a reason, right?"

"Yeah, I guess." He sighs trying to think of something on the fly, "Let's not talk about depressing shit, alright? Let's talk about more fun things."

"Alright then, tell me a secret." They start a new game.

"I sometimes put chocolate milk in my cereal." Shane confesses putting more effort into their thumb wrestling.

"I'm deathly afraid of jellyfish."

"I used to fake I was sick when there was a test in school."

"We've all done that," Adella smirks dismissively, "I sometimes dream in black and white."

"I haven't danced with you since the Flower Dance."

"That's a fact, not a secret." She pointed out seeing he pinned her thumb down.

"The secret is I still want to." He professed as his cheeks turn a few shades darker.

She feels blush fill her cheeks as he pulls her up to dance. Whether it's her drunken state of mind or genuinely wanting to spend time with her friend, nothing was telling her no.

Shane holds her hand and places the other on the small of back. Staying close to share warmth in the cold autumn night. They sway to the ambient noises of the forest huddling even closer to fight the cold. Adella rests her on his shoulder as they continue to dance.

"How would you rate this birthday?" He inquires.

"One of the best by far." She smiles.

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