Rain on Their Parade

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Harvey scrambled around his loft collecting things for a surprise picnic he wanted to have for Adella. He had been begging Gus for some recipe ideas since the beginning of the season since he had no clue what to make. It's shocking to say the least that the doctor brings a bottle of aged wine he got as a birthday present to the annual Luau and to have the governor like the soup is something else.

"Basket... blanket... paper plates... wine? No it's lunch time, Harvey what are you thinking?" He frantically searches his kitchenette to find a replacement, "Water will do, right? Yeah... yeah that's fine."

The doctor triple checks the contents of his basket cementing his confidence that he has everything perfect. Only to second guess himself on last minute add ons.

"Would it be corny if I brought my CD player? Yeah it would be, or wait... uh yeah don't bring it ." Harvey yo-yoed back and forth until leaving his loft with the basket.

His lips creased a smile as he skipped his way over to the farm. He couldn't wait to surprise his partner with a charming picnic by the river because it always seems that Adella is surprising him with treats and gifts and he wanted to return the favor.

Harvey approaches close enough to when her dog can see. Demeter barks running towards him.

"Hey there, Dee!" He sang petting her, "What are you doing out here? Watching your mom work?"

"Oh yeah," a woman's voice answered from the shed, "And she's distracting me because she's so fricken cute!" Adella walks out joining him in the pet session.

"Oh you can't blame her for that," Harvey defended looking up at her, "Her mama gave her that cuteness." He flirted kissing Adella on the cheek.

"Yeah right," she giggled, "You didn't tell me you were coming over."

"I know, but I thought I would surprise you." He grinned holding the picnic basket in front of him.

Adella quickly got onto the hint and sweetly smiled. "Aww, that's so sweet! Where are we having it?"

"I-I was kinda hoping we uh... have it by the river in Cindersnap Forest." Harvey stuttered feeling his cheeks getting warm.

"That sounds perfect!" She chimed taking his hand, "C'mon let's go get set up!"

The couple make their way to the forest and admire the delicate flora blooming all around. A distant rumble drew their attention to a dark looming cloud. The weather didn't predict any chance of rain but maybe this is a case of heat lightning.

They set up their picnic area in a large enough clearing and began to eat food the doctor prepared. Harvey smiled to himself noticing Adella was enjoying everything. The warm, fuzzy sense of gratitude fills him validating the fact he has at least an ounce of romantic charm.

The dark cloud masks the sun over the valley and shortly after rain drops begin to descend. Harvey's smiles disappear immediately as he thinks of a way to keep them dry. Since they were sitting on the only thing that could keep them dry, it was wise to forget the blanket and scurry over to a pine tree. The rain comes down harder and the two huddle under the branches.

"Dammit," Harvey cursed under his breath, "I'm so sorry about this, darling. I—I didn't know it was going to rain."

"It's okay babe, honest." Adella comforted him, "It's not like we're gonna melt or turn into sea monsters."

"I know but... I wanted to surprise you with this because you've been working hard and helping others, including me." He confessed.

She glances up at him adoringly and wrapping her arms around his waist pulling him in closer. The farmer leans up kissing him.

It startled Harvey enough to have a delayed reaction mimicking her and holding Adella in his arms. Maybe instead of a romantic charm it's more of a awkward dorky charm.

Adella pulls away and notices his glasses are fogged up. She giggles seeing it fade as the doctor's cheeks grew more red.

"I appreciate everything you do, honey and who has to say the rain has to stop our little date?" She questioned.

"It—it doesn't but uh... what would you like to do?"

"It may sound cheesy but how about we dance in the rain?" Adella suggested.

Harvey grinned understanding what he needs to do. On second thought it might be romantic charm. He steps out from under the pine branches and bowed holding his hand out.

"May I have this dance my dearest, Adella?"

She smiles with a curtsy, "Of course my dear, Harvey."

Adella takes his hand, whisking her out from under the tree into their forest ballroom. They glided amongst the rain drops as it set the music to their waltz.

"I'm afraid you never told me how you learned to dance." Harvey asked reeling her in after a twirl.

"My grandpa taught me," she answered before twirling him, "I would stand on his feet and he guided me across the room. How did you learn?"

"My mother taught me," Harvey answered leading into a slower tempo, "She helped me learn for a school dance since I got bullied out of the lessons my school was giving out."

"Aww," Adella pouted, "Well your mother taught you well." She smiles up at him.

"Thank you," he smiled, "Likewise to your grandfather."

The couple continue to dance to the rain until it was light enough to pack up their belongings. Harvey walked with Adella back to her farm and even stay for a while to dry up. He can't recall the last time he did something spontaneous like that with someone from a past relationship. It made him feel younger allowing himself to go with the flow and loosen up a bit instead of the stuffy proper doctor everyone knows him to be. Harvey knew Adella is something special but he is beginning to believe that she is a keeper.

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