Give Her Time

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That same evening, Emily works her shift at the saloon and looks on at the usuals come trickling in. She tries to make herself look busy cleaning the bar as Shane walks in, in hopes he won't ask about Adella.

She smiles at him letting him know she'll be right with him while he takes his normal spot at the bar.

"Alright Shane, what'll it be tonight?" She asked with a grin, "The usual?"

"Yeah, why not." He shrugged going along with her suggestion. He didn't seem to be in a grouchy mood.

Emily pours him a pint of beer and smiles handing it to him, "Start a tab for you tonight?"

"Nah," Shane shook his head handing her the money for his drink, "I just needed to get out of house for a bit."

"Can't get signal for the gridball game tonight?" She joked washing glasses in a nearby sink.

"Ha ha, but no." He sipped his drink, "I just needed an excuse to talk to a friend."

Emily's stomach dropped anticipating the upcoming conservation, "I'm guessing I'm that friend?"

"Well duh," Shane nodded liking it was obvious, "And to address the elephant in the room I know why she isn't here." He motioned to an empty bar still next to him.

"That's bold to assume such things." She gently teased to divert the topic elsewhere.

"I may be a drunken idiot but I'm not stupid." He stated taking another sip.

Shane paused letting out a long sigh as he wiped off the layer of condensation on his glass, "I'm just building up a heart break aren't I?"

Emily dried her hands and turned her undivided attention to Shane, "I'm not one to look at the down side of things but... yeah." She nodded trying not to sound cruel.

Shane slumped into the stool accepting the devastating news of his situation. He finished off his beer and hands her his empty pint.

"But hey," she reaches out to grab his hand, "She won't be completely out of you life. She just needs to figure out what she wants." She reassured him.

"Yeah you're right," he nodded with lifted spirits, "It's just I haven't felt this way about someone in a long time and I don't wanna lose it."

Emily smiled squeezing his hand, "The universe works in mysterious ways, it's best to try to stay hopeful."

"Might be easier said than done, but I'll try." He patted Emily's hand before getting up, "Thanks though, I really needed to hear that."

"Anytime." Emily grinned watching him leave.

She continued working her shift as the evening went on. Emily's back was turned to the bar when she heard someone pull up a seat. She glanced behind her spotting an apprehensive doctor.

"What can I get ya, Doctor Harvey?" Emily greeted walking over.

"Whatever wine you got open, tall glass please." Harvey asked trying to keep a placid exterior.

"No dinner tonight?" She questioned pouring him a double serving of wine.

"I can't even thinking about eating." He gave her money before taking a few hefty gulps from the glass, "I apologize, I shouldn't be acting like this."

"It's okay," Emily consoled noting his nervousness, "What's going on?"

"I-It's probably something stupid but I've... I've just been hearing some rumors a-about those two that's all." Harvey spat out glancing over at the seats by the end of the bar. "I-I stopped by her place to see how— see how she was doing and she seemed to be in a bad mode and asked me to leave."

Her stomach dropped again and thinking quick on her feet crafting an excuse saying the contrary.

"Harvey, her and Shane are just friends and I know she wouldn't do anything stupid to ruin your relationship." She fibbed with a convincing smile. Emily leaned in confessing a truth, "Adella has gone into great length on how much she loves you and she wouldn't trade it for the world."

Harvey's cheeks turned a slight shade of pink, whether it's from the alcohol or her affirmation is up for debate. He let out a soft chuckle relaxing into his seat, "Now I feel foolish ordering this."

"You wouldn't be the first person to walk in here to calm their nerves." She preached going back to her chores.

He grinned at her comment then turned his attention back to his drink, "Hey uh, Emily? Do you um— do you know what put her in a bad mood lately?" He asked after she turned back around.

"Well, I know she said she was bummed out about not exploring as much as she used to." Emily recalled biting her lower lip, "I think that's why she's been a bit crabby."

"I help her whenever I can!" Harvey whined as a sign of gradual inebriation, "I may not be as strong as Shane but I help wherever I can."

"I know, and I'm sure she appreciates it but she just needs to find a happy medium between work and down time." She mentioned.

"Yeah..." he nodded leaning on his elbows against the bar. A few sips of his glass Harvey finished his drink, "I don't wanna force help onto her if she doesn't want it."

"That sounds like a good plan." Emily agreed taking the empty glass to wash it.

Harvey let out another sigh to clear his head, "Maybe I should have some food now." He chuckled in a buzz.

Emily softly smiled taking the doctor's order. Feeling accomplished that she deterred both men away from Adella so she can at least make a decision without interference. It's bad enough for such a scandal to brew in a small town but it's worse to have it happen to people she cares about.

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