Laughed at by the Gods

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Productivity on the farm rapidly decreased since that morning and it didn't help that Adella absolutely refused to go to the clinic for her knee. Even when she was disassociating from everyone, it was Emily that came by the farm to check up on her friend after not hearing from her in a couple of days. Even stranger, she hadn't seen or heard from Shane in that amount of time either.

"When your knee is feeling better, at least try to be productive," Emily advised as she finish wrapping her knee, "It'll make you feel better mentally, and the fair is coming up."

Adella sat there on the couch, grouchy as she been sleeping there for the past few nights since it hurt too much to climb up the stairs to her bedroom. Clenching onto a pillow trying to comfort herself from her grief. She soften her face thankful that there isn't a shooting pain going up her leg.

"Thanks but I'm not going..." She curls up more into the couch.

Emily carefully sits on the couch disappointed at her declaration, "You really didn't attend it last year, but you did win the grange display." She mentioned and sees her being completely dismissive, "Look, you don't have to compete in anything, alright? Maybe you can hit up the fortune telling booth and see what the stars have aligned on you getting back together with Harvey."

"I'd rather just leave it up to chance." Adella commented bitterly, "And I already know it's not gonna happen cause I fucked up royally."

"Well, maybe she can tell you something in the further that can put the odds in your favor," She grinned trying to make it sound intriguing but to no avail, "How about this, if you come to the fair and stay for at least an hour I'll leave with you and we can watch movies for the rest of the day."

"Alright..." Adella nodded.


Before she knew it, it was the Stardew Valley Fair. Adella debated again whether her deal with Emily is really worth it. Especially, since word spreads fast in a small town she couldn't handle the side stares and whispers if she showed up.

Ultimately, she thought it would do her some good to socialize. It's not like she can move to another town again when her life is in shambles.

"It's only for an hour," she sikes herself up in the mirror while brushing her hair, "At least on the bright side everyone will be caught up in the festivities to not notice me." Adella softly smiles putting her blue hair in a bun.

"Great choice, Adella a gray monochromatic outfit with electric blue hair. I'll never get noticed." She sarcastically commented taking her hair down, "Nothing that a beanie can't fix."

She throws on a matching hat and goes to pet Demeter before heading out. "Be good Dee, I'll be back in a bit." Adella scratches her ears before leaving.

Stuffing her hands in her dark denim jacket, the farmer walks passed the bus stop admiring the colorful foliage. Something pleasant to hold on to before meeting judging stares in the town square. Luckily, a friendly face struts over to her.

"Hey, I'm so glad you decided to come!" Emily smiles hugging her.

"Yeah, I kinda figured it wouldn't kill me to leave the couch." She jokes hugging back.

"Glad to see you still have your humor through all of this." Emily said as they make their way to the game tents.

"Humor is how I cope, I can't help it." She softly laughs linking arms with her.

The two women got a few star token from the booth and they went around each of the tents playing games, competing with each other. Adella was having such a fun time, she didn't even worry about looking for either Harvey or Shane. Even Emily didn't see them and theorized that they didn't show up.

"It's honestly really cool, just try it." Emily begged her friend to have her fortune read, "Haley thinks it's cool! Please!"

"Ugh, fine..." Adella groans giving in, "But after this we're watching movies."


They walk over to the purple tent set up in the graveyard. A shrouded figure in a navy cloak beacons them over as they approach.

"Ah yes, welcome..." a gravely feminine voice greets them, "I, Werrick will call upon the spirits to answer your most burning questions."

"I just wa—"

"Silence!" The teller cuts off the farmer placing her spindly and wrinkly hands on the table on either side of her crystal ball, "It appears to me that you seek romantic guidance." She pauses tilting her head up to reveal just below the nose of her aged face, "You want to heal a lost love but deep down there's conflict..."

Weirded out and intrigued by her predictions, Adella wants to know more, "How far ahead can you show me?"

"Only what the spirits will let me," Werrick explains, "And they have something interesting to say." She holds her hand out for payment.

Adella puts up the money and the fortune teller starts gently waving her hands around the crystal ball in front of her. Werrick starts humming and mumbles something too low for the women to understand.

"They're showing me... you... surrounded by flowers." Werrick pauses humming again, "Be cautious of the narcissus charm, for they will give you grief. Instead, look toward to the tulips, as for they show unconditional love." She stops waving her hands, "That is all the spirits have to show me, my child."

Adella and Emily look at each other before thanking the teller for her time. They leave the fair and contemplate the message. She couldn't shake the feeling that her being surrounded by flower meant she would be in the hospital or a funeral. Hopefully not the former.

"Those are spring flowers," the farmer thought out loud, "Maybe something will happen to me in spring, Em."

"You're probably overthinking it," Emily stated trying to making a positive, "Maybe you get to be the Flower Queen at the Flower Dance next year. You never know."

"Yeah, I just hope it's nothing bad."


-*Author's Note: Never have I thought while writing this series that someone will make fan art of it. But it actually happened! I would like thank ChefPeaches for her lovely rendition of Adella. She has an Instagram @chefpeaches_art where she posts her other works if y'all wanna check it out :).*-

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