Despite What You've Been Told

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Shane slowly wakes up from the anesthesia to hear someone else in the room with him. He can groggily tell it's a woman's voice talking on the phone but it was too faint for him to understand what she was saying.

"Yeah, he's fine." He heard focusing on the voice, "Harvey said he would be waking up soon so if you wanna swing on by... No, I stopped by his aunt's and brought a change of clothes for him... Yeah I know... Well, yeah I'm still upset but I'm not leaving him out there... Alright, I'll talk to you later Em."

He lifts up his hand tiredly to wave at her, "Hey farmer..." Shane croaked.

"Good, you're awake," Adella gets up from her chair and walks over to the bed, "How you feeling?"

"Like I got hit by a bus..." He groans with a slight chuckle, "Who were you talking to?"

"Emily." She said plainly, "I told her what happened and she might stop by."

Shane nodded and relaxed his head back onto the pillow, "What did Marnie say?"

"She was just happy that you're okay," she folded her arms and glided around the room, "She gave me a set of dry clothes for you."

"That was nice of her." He commented letting out a long sigh, "When you said you were upset—"

"If you're going to apologize, you're saying it to the wrong person." Adella cut him off not wanting to hear it.

"Actually," He started trying not to lose his train of though, "I was gonna say I'm surprised you're still here." Shane finally finished.

Adella leans up against a wall and turns away from him not letting him see she still cared, "I'm only here because your aunt ask me to look for you."

"I don't need to be baby sat," He bitterly stated, "You can head over there now and tell her I'm fine." Shane huffed glancing away from her.

"I have to wait for Harvey to come back first." She peered down at her nails, picking at them, "Then I'll go."

"Good." He huffed again crossing his arms over his chest.

A few painfully silent minutes go by before Harvey enters the room. He carried in with him the usual clipboard and a few extra papers. He documents post-procedure vitals before telling him he is good to go back home. Him and Adella step outside the room to give Shane privacy so he can change out of the hospital gown.

"I'm also going to set up an appointment for him to go see a counselor in the city," Harvey states writing onto the clipboard, "In time, I think he'll benefit greatly from them."

"Thank you, Harvey really," Adella started as she walked with him out front, "I couldn't imagine how Jas would feel if she lost him."

"It's all in a day's work," He holds the door open for her, "I'll let Marnie know about his plan going forward. It's best to set up a support system."

"Yeah," She nods letting out a small sigh, "Before I go, I need to give you something." She rummages through her bag.

"Oh no, it's not necessary—" He stopped seeing the jewelry box he original gave her on her birthday.

"I didn't have the heart to sell it," Adella sheepishly admitted as he took back the box, "You should get back whatever you paid for it or give it to someone who deserves it."

Harvey opens it and looks down to see the delicate shell nestled in the box, "I don't know what to say."

"You don't have to say anything," She lifts her shoulders, "I'm just returning something that doesn't belong to me." Adella presses her lips in before walking to the door, "See you around then."

He watches her leaves in the autumn rain. Harvey looks back at the pendant still caring about her. If he followed his impulses right now he would be running after her telling her, no more lies, no more deception, no more clouded judgement. She, in his heart, truly deserves this mermaid pendant but the hopeless romantic in him is being being harnessed by his mistrust.

Harvey quickly tucks the box into his coat pocket hearing the door creak behind him. He finishes writing a note before handing it to Shane.

"There is a colleague of mine in Zuzu City. He is a great counselor and I think, in the long run, you would benefit from his sessions." He hands him a card, "I'll reach out to him to see what he has available."

"Thanks, doc." Shane nods tucking the card into his pocket, "Anything else from me before I go?"

"No, that's everything." He confirmed, "I'll mail the bill to the ranch."

Shane nods before making his way to the door, "Oh! Um..." He hesitantly starts causing Harvey to look at him, "I just wanna say I'm sorry for uh..." He points to his eye, "For the black eye and among a bunch of other things. I was just jealous for what you two had."

Harvey raised his eyebrows surprised, "You don't have to apologize for that. Adella and I are over so you can have whatever we had, I guess."

"As much as I want to, I realize that we're just friends, at least I hope we're still friends, but that's not the point." Shane starts, "I've not only been a dick to you but also to Adella. Jokingly, we've flirted and she told me to stop and I didn't listen. Don't be mad at her because I pressured her into it."

Shane looks out to the doctor as he stand there like deer in headlights. Harvey couldn't formulate his next words before Shane spoke again.

"You don't have to accept my apology, but give Adella another chance." He leaves without another word.

Harvey continued to stand there, taking in his apology. It changed his whole perspective on her. She did stay loyal but the persistence got to her. He took his advice to heart but needed time to implement it. 

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