Break it to Me Gently

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A few productive days pass on the farm, and Adella cleared her mind of the men plaguing her thoughts. But a clear mind doesn't mean a clear decision. Weighing out the tributes and faults of both men ended up as a character study of herself not deserving of either of them.

Since looking introspectively was getting her nowhere, Adella looked out to more external forces. She wasn't a religious people but she pleaded with Yoba to help tip her scale in a certain direction.

The evening settles in and she prepares a party for one dinner theatre. Attire, the comfiest of pajamas, main course, homemade pepperoni pizza with mozzarella sticks, beverages, fine wine that's left in the cabinet, and entertainment, I Love Lucy reruns.

Adella curls up with her pizza on the couch with Demeter at her side trying to sneak in a few bites. The farmer laughing at the TV and enjoying her quality time with her canine companion not stressing over anyone with a Y chromosome.

An abrupt knocking at the door causes the pair to jump and Demeter to bark frantically. Adella shoos her dog down as she sees who's at the door.

"Hey Adella." Shane sheepishly greeted rubbing the back of his neck.

"Hey, what are doing here?" She asks quite surprised.

He directly avoided eye contact with her as he searched looking for an answer, "I want to apologize." He finally looks at her.

"About what?" Adella raises an eyebrow.

"For... being forward and... not respecting your boundaries..." Shane pieced his apology with regret in his eyes.

"Shane," she sighs bringing him into the house, "It's my fault too—"

"But I'm the one that started it and didn't stop." He blurted with anger toward himself.

Shane exhaled letting out some built up resentment, "You belong with someone who can equally provide for you as you do for them. I'm not that guy, Adella." He states reaching for the door.

Adella grabs his hand stopping him in the doorway, "You helped me out on the farm so many times I lost track of it."

"That's not my point!" He grabs her arms in frustration then softens his grip.

They stare at each other taking in the moment from the last time they were like this. Adella's heart sank remembering that cold snowy night. Looking at her best guy friend under the mistletoe with new found admiration, only to feel that spark in the beginning slowly faded out

"I can barely get myself out of bed most days. I can't be there for you like Harvey can." Shane glances up remorsefully.

"But you have been," she mentions, "Your depression doesn't define you who are as a person. I don't know how many times I have to say this but you're a great guy despite of that."

"Then tell me," he steps forward a little and cups her face gently, "What are we?"

Adella paused for a moment thinking of her response but the words escape her as she studies his soulful honey eyes. She leans in to kiss him anticipating the spark that took her breath away a few seasons ago but only to have it extinguished with the absence of butterflies. He pulls her in more intertwining his fingers into her hair indulging in the moment. His touch is lifeless and only made the experience go from awkward to uncomfortable.

She pulls away looking at him with disenchantment. He holds onto her with hope, desperate to change her mind. Adella reaches up and places her hand on top of his, her eyes telling him the heartbreaking truth.

"I see." Shane nods pulling his hand back before turning to leave.

"Wait," Adella stopped him, "Are we still friends?"

He let out a long sigh before looking back at her, "I'm not saying no, but we need a break from each other don't you think?"

A little disheartened, she nods in agreement leaning up against her door frame, "I think it'll be for the best."

"Yeah," Shane nods and walks off the porch, "I'll see you around then." He makes his way back to the ranch.

Adella gazes out to the night filled horizon dissatisfied from that farewell. It had to be done. She couldn't keep playing this back and forth game between the two men in her life where if gone long enough would be upset and angry at everyone involved. Hopefully time away from each other will heal the emotional strain on hers and Shane's friendship to its former glory.

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