14. Journal Entry Two of Learning

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Earlier today, Jenna referred to me as her idiot brother.

I'm not trying to snitch.

I'm just saying that she's absolutely right.

I'm an idiot.

Why did I say that I know she likes serial killers?

Why did I say that I know as much about her as I did?


I ought to be shot.

At least, with a pellet gun.

A little graze, in the very least.

She's right outside my door, Dad.

Well, not exactly.

If you open the door to my room, step out into the hallway and walk straight down the twenty-foot corridor, she will be on the other side of that door.

For the next two months, whenever I open this door, I'll be hoping that she will be standing at her door, so that I can see her.

I just might spend more time at home. I might even move back in, permanently.

I don't know what Jenna was thinking.

I was right, by the way, Dad.

She fits right in with my friends. They love her already and they've only met her once.

Marco even likes her jokes.

I spent the whole evening trying not to look at her, which was hard because she was seated right in front of me.

By design.

My design.

I sat across the table from her to look at her.

It's been six months, during which I thought that I would never see her again. I had pretty much resolved to knowing that the image of her in my head is all I have left of her.

That and the smile whenever I look at a Ferris Wheel.

Or candy floss.

Or peanut M&Ms.

And then, today, I walked into the dining room.

My own dining room.

And there she was, just standing there, flanked by my friends, smiling around at them, dark hair falling around her face, brightening up the room with her smile.

Like kismet, or something.

It flustered me to see her.

I don't know if half of what I said made any sense.

At some point, I'm sure Jenna will realize that I'm being an absolute pinhead when Aurora is around, but I'm going to live in denial till then.

Jenna and Isa spoke about the boyfriend she had in college – the one who never bought her candy floss.

There's such a melancholy in her eyes when he's mentioned, despite the fact that she smiles. And despite the sadness that I'm sure she feels, she defends him.

She says that he's not all bad.

I want to know why.

I think I know, though.

It's because that's who she is.

She's so kind that she's removed any pain that she's been put through from the person who put her through it and looks at their best side.

I may be biased, but I don't think he deserves it, whoever he is.

The bias is there.

I think it's mostly present when I feel a bit smug when I manage to make her smile.

Like with the M&Ms.

I think her kindness extends even beyond her care for her own well-being.

Throughout the night, she was stifling yawns and carrying on so well, laughing, talking and smiling with everyone.

I'd been itching to stop it, but saying something made me nervous.

Because that's what she does to me.

After dinner was over and everyone seemed to no longer be in a mood to go through binders, I said that everyone should get some rest.

I said it mostly because it was her biggest yawn yet.

As Jenna said, I'm an idiot.

I know I'm being ridiculous with all this and I know that I should pace myself; I should get to know her.

I'm excited to do that because the more I know her, the more I like her.

Of all the friends that she could have made in college, she made friends with my sister. With Jenna.

Something about that makes me think of fate even more.

As a student of science, I should probably know better than to believe that things just happen, but what can I do, except believe in fate, when a stranger from across the world that I met in a whole other city is standing in front of me and smiling, and I feel like I'm floating?

As a student of science, I should probably know better than to believe that things just happen, but what can I do, except believe in fate, when a stranger from across the world that I met in a whole other city is standing in front of me and smilin...

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Hi, you guys! Are you guys fond of the journal entries or do you think I should throw in some chapters that are just from Elliot's perspective in as well?

Let me know!

Much love!

Much love!

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