26. Journal Entry Thirteen of Learning

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I don't know how long it's been since Jenna left my room and, in my mind, it feels like a nanosecond and infinity at the same time

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I don't know how long it's been since Jenna left my room and, in my mind, it feels like a nanosecond and infinity at the same time.

My brain is abuzz and I haven't been able to form a coherent thought about what transpired.

Part of me wants to chase behind Jenna and demand that she tells me every single word that you have ever uttered about Aurora.

Part of me wants to rejoice, strangely enough.

A small part of me wants disregard everything else, fling my door open, march down the hall, bust open Aura's door and tell her - tell her everything that I've thought from the moment that she stepped on to that elevator.

Following that, all of me wants to hear that she feels at least about a fraction of what I do.

I think that, telling me this, was Jenna's way of telling me that she has no objections to anything I may feel towards her friend.

You know how cryptic she can be.

I can't believe you met her.

Not only that, but you liked her, as well.

I wish I could hear you tell me everything you thought about her.

I wish I could hear you tell me everything you like about her.

I wish I could tell you everything that I think and like about her.

You and I have discussed our thoughts on the women who have been in my life.

God, I wish we could talk about her.

I have so many things to say about her but no one to really tell it to.

Recently, I was so caught up in something that she said and I was relating it to Marco.

It took a while for me realize that I've been going on and I saw that he had this look on his face that was almost like he was about to smile very hard or laugh.

Instead, he patted my shoulder, squeezed it and walked away, shaking his head.

I can now, only say that I am overwhelmed.

Completely overwhelmed with this information.

I think I need to lie down, Dad.

Because the chasm awaits.

Because the chasm awaits

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More to come!

I will even reveal the cover of the final installment of the Billionaire's Series today!

Stay tuned!

Much love!

Much love!

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