35. Journal Entry Two of Growing

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The entire house is quiet

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The entire house is quiet.

Completely silent.

Mom is out with her sisters.

Jenna is away with Juliet on their little getaway for the next three days.

And Aura, well, Aura is at Isa's.

Not only did Isa drive her all the way back from the country club, but she took her home.

I've never really felt the urge to throttle Isa, but I did, earlier today, when she called Mom to let her know that she's taking Aura to hers and that she will be back only tomorrow.


That's the day, Dad.

Tomorrow is the day that will be a direct result of me taking a leap across the chasm.

Tomorrow is the day that Aura and I agreed to go out.

The house feels empty without the three of them.

My three girls are missing.

And the house is empty.

Bold of me to consider Aura my girl, isn't it?

You would have told me that if you were here.

If you were here, you would have been in the den, on your chair, reading a book, with your glasses on, feet on the ottoman, maybe some Al Grant playing in the back.

Or you would have been getting ready to host the family over for a meal, despite the fact that that's exactly what Jenna did yesterday.

If you were here, in the den, I would have come downstairs, sat next to you and asked for your advice.

I would have asked if you were nervous for your first date with Mom.

You would have joked and told me that you weren't even though you were.

I would have asked how you knew she was the one.

You would have told me that it was her smile. You used to always talk about Mom's smile.

I would have asked if you ever felt like the first date you planned was inadequate, now that you look back on it.

Because my idea feels a bit inadequate.

You would have told me that it doesn't matter, because the place or the event shouldn't matter. If you're good for each other, even the most lackluster of places can be memorable.

I would have asked you for any wise thing you could have told me.

You would have told me not to trip on a loose cobblestone and smash my ice cream on my date the way you've done to Mom once.

I would have asked you if you think Aura would be good for me.

You would have asked me whether I smile from my mouth about her or whether I smile from my soul about her.

I would have told you that I smile from my entire being about her. Mind, body and soul.

You would have asked me if that was a good thing.

I would have told you that it was a fantastic thing.

Then, you would have told me that if that were the case, Aura sounds wonderful to you, just make sure that she has the familial sense of humour and a good appetite.

I think she does. On both accounts.

I would have asked you, half-joking, whether you were ready to plan another wedding.

You would have lowered your book, looked me in the eyes for a while before asking me, "You really like her, don't you?"

I would have told you that I do.

Then, you would have told me to at least see how the first date goes before I put down a deposit.

We would have sat in silence for a while.

Then, you would have told me that you like Aura.

And that would have been your way of telling me that yes, you are ready to plan another wedding, all because she makes me happy.

I want tomorrow to go well, Dad.

Aura and I have never had trouble having a good time in each other's company so far, so I don't think it will start tomorrow.

I have hundreds of ideas of things I want to do with her, experiences I want to share with her, and things about me that I want to share with her.

It's strange, I think, that I want all of this with her, after only knowing her for such a short time, but I've sat down and thought about it, Dad. I have.

I've thought about all the things that she's done, not only when she's with me.

Back in Eastport, I considered the option that it was just some strange crush.

But now?

After all this time?

I can't deny that she has some sort of hold on me and I don't think I even want out.

Because, Dad, the thought of her having that hold over me for the rest of my life....

Well, it makes me smile.

From my soul.

I hope you're liking Aura and Elliot so far

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I hope you're liking Aura and Elliot so far.

I'm excited for you guys to find out more about them. :)

One more chapter today!

P. S. Did you check out The Billionaire's Driver? It's on my profile!

Much love!

Much love!

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