41. Day Five of Growing

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I was right

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I was right. I was absolutely right. She may be my friend, but she is the snuggest winner in the world.

Ray didn't even have the decency to hide some of her gloating.

She is enjoying this way more than she should be.

I don't know if it's her smug smile or lordly expression that's worse. Either way, I don't really want to stand here much longer.

"Well, well, well," Ray sings, seated alone in the dining room, while Julie is upstairs getting ready and Mrs. Kingsley is in the den on a phone call that doesn't seem to be ending any time soon.

Ray leans back in her chair and crosses her arms over her chest. I almost expect her to put her legs up on to the table, but I think even Ray is wouldn't risk Mrs. Kingsley's wrath.

"So, the horses are drinking water," she muses, before promptly snorting at her own joke.

I narrow my eyes at her from the other end of the table, next to Elliot.

My expression only makes her laugh more.


"Come on, Al, that's hilarious. You've got to admit it."

"I'll admit to nothing."

Ray wipes her eyes and stops laughing long enough to tell Elliot, "Stop looking so smitten, Lover Boy, she's always this haughty."

Lowering my chin, I turn my head to look at Elliot who is giving me an easy smile.

"I really hate my sister sometimes," he tells me.

I nod, rolling my eyes. "That makes the two of us."

"Hey, hey, Sleeping Beauty, Phillip, I'm still here," Ray snaps her fingers. She wags a finger between the two of us. "How long as this been going on?"

"As long as you've been married," Elliot tells her.

Ray puts her hands down on the table and stands. "Oh, no," she says, walking over to us, "You two better pick a different date for yourselves because I'm not letting you steal my wife's thunder." She narrows her eyes threateningly.

I can't help, but cough out a "whipped."

Ray turns her glare on me. "It's still my turn to make fun of the two of you, Lexington. You can't steal my thunder, either."

"Jen," Elliot cuts in, evenly, "We're not trying to steal your thunder. We just wanted you to know. I believe you'll extend to us the courtesy of telling everyone else."

He implores his sister with his eyes and she rolls her eyes at him.

"I'm not going to tell anyone, dipstick," she chastises, "I might tell Julie. But she won't tell anyone. Seriously. She's so nice."

"So nice," I nod, "That I keep wondering why she married you."

"Watch it, Lexington. I know your secret," Ray threatens, lovingly, "Anyway I was rooting for you horses. What have you been doing in my absence? Aimlessly horsing around?"

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