Chapter 1

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---Ollie's POV---
I was on my way to language arts class to meet up with my best friend, Ponyboy. I've been friends with him since the start of school.

We both started talking to each other and learned we both like to read and watch sunsets/sunrises. As I enter the classroom, I see Ponyboy sitting in our usual seats. (The back of course).

"Hey Pony!" I say and wrap my arms around him in a hug. He quickly turns around.

"Oh! Hey Ollie!" He says with a smile and pulls out a notebook for class. Pony was a cute boy, with light brown hair and greenish-gray eyes.

The teacher walked in and started class. "Today class, we will be starting a project that is 50% of your grade. You will be working in partners," He said and the class looked up at the word partners. "Before you start screaming and yelling, I don't care who your partner is, as long as you get work done" The class erupted into cheers and Pony turned towards me.

"Would you like to be my partner?" He asked. I looked at him and smiled. "Yeah! Do you want to work at my house or yours?" I ask.

"We can work at mine. My brothers are working today so the house should be quiet" He says and looks back at the teacher as he starts talking again.

"Your project will be based off of what you choose. As long as it has to do with Language Arts" He explained and let the class decide what they were going to do for their projects.

"So, I'll meet you at the front of the school after classes okay? Then we can walk to my house." Pony said. I nodded my head and started packing my stuff up to head to our next class.

---Time Skip---
Pony and I were on our way to his house. We were walking behind some buildings on the other side of town. We walked through the lot and past the fountain right to Pony's house. He opened the door, which wasn't locked for some reason, and I closed it behind me.

"Welcome to my home" He said and had his arms open wide.

I chuckled and looked around. "Nice home," I say and put my bag on a nearby chair.

"We can study in my room or at the dining room table" He said and pulled out his notebook from his bag.

"Uh.. How about your room?" I ask and he nods his head, leading me down the hallway to his room. He opens the door and rubs the back of his head nervously. "Sorry about the mess... I kinda share this room with my brother," He says and sets his stuff down on the bed.

"Oh no! It's fine! You should see my room" I say. I sit on the bed and open my book. "So, what are we doing our project on?" I ask.

"We could do it on the book Gone With the Wind" He suggests. "It's one of my favorite books"

"Sure" I shrug my shoulders and we get to working.

About an hour later, the front door slams open and some shouts.

"PONYBOY? Are you home?" They shout and footsteps come down the hall.

The door opens and a boy with dark gold hair peeks his head in. "Oh! Hello, I didn't know we had guests. Sorry about that. Anyway, me and Steve got off early, wanna head out to the lot and play football or somethin'? We can also ask Johnny to join" He speaks and walks all the way in.

"Sorry, I'm Sodapop but you can call me Soda. I'm Pony's older brother"  He says and sticks his hand out. I grab it and shake it.

"Ollie Gray"

Ponyboy was just standing there and watching us talk. Suddenly another boy came bursting into the room.

"Come on Soda! I want to gooooooo" He whined and then noticed me. "Oh, sup. I'm Steve" He says.

"Ollie" I smile at him then look at Pony. He walks over to me and puts his arm over my shoulder.

Soda notices and smirks. "Oooooohh! Are you guys a thing?" He asks and wiggles his eyebrows. I shake my head and Pony just stands there.

"We're just bestfriends!" I say and smile. Pony nods along.

"Sooo I can take him?" Steve asks and pulls me into his arms.

"Oh come on Stevie! I was going to take him!" Soda whines. Pony shakes his head and pulls me into his arms again.

"Let's just go play football. Are the others coming or something?" Pony asks.

"Yea, Darry said he was going to come after work, Dally is meeting us there with Two-bit, and we are going to go get Johnny," Soda explains.

We leave out the front and head to the field.

Sorry if this is bad. Oh well. I'm also not going along the storyline all the way.
Not edited


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