Chapter 5

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(Mentions of death/killing)

---Ollie's POV---
Pony, Johnny, and I quickly run to Buck's party. We knock on the door and Buck answers.

"What you kids want?" He asks, annoyed. I was standing there, freezing cold from being in the water.

"Is Dally here?" Johnny asks. "It's important"

"He's busy" Buck says and leans against the door.

"Please! Tell em' it's Ponyboy, Ollie and Johnny" He says more urgently.

Buck sighs and walks back to get Dally with a 'fine'

Pony turns towards me and takes off his jacket to wrap it around my shoulders. He pulls me into his arms to warm me up.

"Thanks" I mutter. He runs his fingers through my hair, softly.

Soon Dally comes to the door, shirtless. "What, I was in the bedroom" He says.

We look at him disgusted. He realizes what he said.

"No, no. I was catching up on sleep"

He looks over at me and his eyes widen.

"Let's go inside"

We make it up to the bedroom and most of the girls were looking at us. Dally leads us up to a bedroom and opens the door. Pony grabs my hand and pulls me into the room before closing the door.

Dally turns towards me and walks towards the closet, pulling out a large t-shirt and some jeans. "Here. I know they won't fit but it's better than your wet outfit" He says and tosses me the clothes. I take off Pony's jacket and hand it to him. I peel off the wet shirt and my pants before sliding on the shirt and pair of jeans. As I look up from changing, I noticed they were all staring at me. 

When Dally notices me looking, he quickly turns away, Johnny doing the same. I look towards Pony and see him smirking. "Pony! Stop!" I saw, covering my face with my hands. Pony walks over and wraps his arms around me. "I can't. You're just so cute!" He said and started kissing all over my face.

"So why you kids here?" Dally asks, interrupting us. 

"I killed a soc" Johnny blurted. Dally looked at him with wide eyes.

"I thought ever since I moved from New York I wouldn't have to deal with this again" Dally muttered. "Alright here's $50. It's all I have right now but it should be able to buy you guys some food. And here is a gun"

Dally handed Johnny the gun and Johnny started to mess around with it.

"Don't point that at me would ya? Geez" Dally said. 

We got our plan and jumped onto the train heading to Windrixville. 

"You ok, Ollie?" Johnny asked. I just nodded my head and laid my head on Pony's shoulder. Soon Johnny fell asleep and I sat with Pony.

Pony turns his head towards me and smiles. "You're so cute Ollie" He said.

I blushed, turning away. "T-thanks"

Pony turned my head towards him and gently kissed my lips. I kissed back of course. The kiss was sweet and not full of lust. Pony ran his fingers through my hair and put his other hand on my waist.

I wrapped my arms around his neck. He pulled away from the kiss and I leaned my face into his neck. 

"Ollie, I've noticed the others been starin' at you" Pony said. I turn towards him with a confused look.

"What do you mean?" I ask. 

"I've noticed all the boys in the gang have been staring at you when you're around. It kinda makes me jealous... Sorry" Pony explains and turns away.

I grab his face just like he did to me. "Pony, it's ok. I'm dating you aren't I?" I say and give him a peck on the lips. We soon reach our stop and we jump out of the train after waking Johnny.

I pull Johnny up off the ground and we start walking to the old church.  On the way to the church, we get lost and have Pony ask an elder, who was farming, the way to the church.

After giving us directions, we head towards the church. Climbing up the hill, we reach the church and head in. I lay down on the ground and decide to take a nap after the long trip we've had.

Johnny lays behind me and Pony lays right next me and wraps his arms around my waist.  I put my head in his neck and sleep.

Sorry about the late update. Anyways... yea.


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