Chapter 8

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I look at them in shock. Turning towards Pony, he has a look of anger and shock in is face. I still don't know what to do. 

"Umm..." I look back at the boys. "A-all of you?" 

"Yea, well, I don't know about Darry but the rest of us like you" Dally explains. 

"Uh, what do you think Pony?" I ask, turning towards him. Wrapping his arms around me, he pulls me into his lap before finally nodding. "It's okay, as long as they SHARE" Pony says. "And of course if you're okay with it" 

I nod and was soon ripped out of Pony's hold and into another's. I get turned around and soon a pair of lips meets mine. After pulling away, I look up and see Steve. I blush and tuck my head into his chest. Chuckling, he rubbed my back before I was ripped out of his lap and into another one. 

I look up and see Dally who just put my face into him chest and we just sat there. After a few minutes we decided it was getting late and get ready to head to bed. Soda and Steve were fighting over who got to sleep next to who. Johnny was getting changed in the bathroom, Dally looked annoyed and walked over to slap Soda and Steve in the back of their heads, and Two was still watching Mickey Mouse.

Pony went up to me and gave me his sweatshirt and a pair of sweatpants. I slid on his sweatshirt and changed into his pants in his room. After re-entering the living room, Pony looks at me and smiles, wrapping his arms around me. 

"You look nice" He says, kissing my cheek. "Thanks" I say and turn towards the others.
Dally was now joined in on the fight with Soda and Steve.


The boys look towards me. "If we could all stop the fighting that would be great" I say and turn towards Two-Bit.

"Two, you can sleep next to me and Pony you can too" I say. "Johnny can sleep underneath if you want" Johnny walks out of the bathroom and nods. (Does that sound bad?)

"What! B-but that- I-" Steve says but gives up and slumps his shoulders. Johnny lays down and I lay on top. He wraps his arms around me and I put my head on his shoulder. Pony lays on one side then Two on the other. Soon, Soda decides to sleep on the couch and Steve lays behind our heads. (Kind of like a T but with more people on the side). Dally then slept on the recliner.

---Time Skip---

I woke up to the sun shining in my eyes and quickly turn the other way. I look around with my hair messy and covering my face. Getting up, I walk to the bathroom to go. After doing my business, I wash my hands and leave. Finally being awake, I look around and see that Soda and Steve were gone, along with Two and I assume Darry. 

Pony and Johnny were still sleeping when I heard a noise coming from the kitchen. I walk around to the kitchen and see Dally digging through the fridge. 

"Good morning" 

"Mornin' did you sleep well?"

"Yea, did you?" 

He stands up from looking in the fridge. Walking over to me, he wraps his arms around my waist. 

"Would have been better with you" He says and winks, resting his head on my shoulder. 

"Well it's not like I'm leaving any time soon" I say. "We still have tonig-"

He looks at me strangely. "Are you okay? What's wrong with tonight?"

I look at him and frown. "Nothing, it's just that tonight is a school night. I have to go to bed early and my mom doesn't allow friends to come over on school nights"

Pony suddenly walks into the kitchen. "Morning, Ollie" He says, giving me a kiss on the forehead before heading to the fridge and grabbing the box of eggs.

"What do you guys want to do today?" I ask, sitting at the table. 

"We can meet Two-bit at the drive-in later" Pony suggests and Dally just shrugs. Soon Johnny wakes up and heads to the kitchen. 

"Mornin' everyone" He mumbles, rubbing his eyes.

"Morning" We all reply and fill Johnny in on our plan for today. We start eating the chocolate cake and without realizing it, we were at the last slice. We all look at each other.

"I call dibs!" Dally calls before reaching for the cake. Pony quickly grabs it.

"No! You can't just do that!" Pony argues. Johnny starts saying how he also wants the cake as well. While they were arguing, I quickly grab the cake from the table and start eating. 

"This is a great show!" I say, stuffing the cake in my mouth.

They slowly look towards me and look at the place the cake once was. Dally starts talking with a smile one his face.

"Ollie. You better start running"

I look at him with wide eyes before quickly standing up and bolting out the door. I hear chairs tipping over behind me and yelling.

"I'm sorry! I was hungry!" I yell while running. I hear footsteps behind me and I start running faster. I take a turn and see a car shop. Realizing Soda and Steve work here I start heading in that direction.

I take a quick glance behind me and see Pony is right behind me with Dally and Johnny following.

"Shit! I forgot you did track!" 

I run into the store see Soda behind the counter. Soda looks up hearing the ruckus and smiles when he notices me. 

"Hey Oll-"

I jump over the counter and tackle him. Soon the boys come running in.

Soda stands up and looks over at the boys, then to me.

"What's going on?" He asks.

"Ollie ate the last piece of chocolate cake!" Dally exclaims.

Soda looks at me with a smile and chuckles lowly. "So there's no more cake?" I slowly shake my head and start backing up. Steve comes in and over hears the conversation. 

Steve starts walking towards me and then I start running again. 

"Oliver Gray, get back here!" I hear Soda yell. 

"I'm sorry!" I say. "I don't want to die today!"

While all the boys are chasing me, I look back and notice Two was here now too. 

"Two!? When did you get here!" 

He shrugs his shoulders. "I just saw everyone chasing you so I decided to join"

I saw Darry working on the roof of a house, carrying the wood planks up.

"Darry! Help me! I'm going to die!" I yell. Darry glances over at me and sees everyone chasing me.  

"Tough luck!" He yells. "Shouldn't have ate all the cake!"

"How did you know!?" I ask, running in circles so I could speak.

"Happened to me once" He says.

Holy shizz guys! We reached 1k! Thank you all so much! Also sorry for the late update, it was the last day of the quarter and I needed to get work done. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed!


(Not edited)

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