Chapter 11

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---Ollie's POV---
Soda fell asleep with me wrapped in his arms. I was stirring, trying to fall asleep. My stomach was still queasy and I was starting to get a headache. I quickly get up after a feeling of sickness washes over me. Soda was still sleeping, so I quietly get out of his arms and walk towards the bathroom.

I open the door and turn on the light, quietly closing it behind me. I rest against the cabinets like I did with Soda and close my eyes. Slowly dozing off, I hear a knock on the door. The door slowly opens and Pony walks in. 

"Hey, baby. You okay?" Pony asks, sitting next to me before grabbing me and pulling me into his lap. I shook my head and rested my head on his shoulder. He gently rubbed my back.

We sat there for a while before I started to fall asleep again. 

"Go to sleep, baby" Pony said and I closed my eyes. 


The next time I wake up, I wake up laying in Pony and Soda's bed. I looked around and noticed Dally wasn't in bed anymore. I slowly sit up from the bed.

I head towards the door before slowly opening it and walking out of the room. Heading into the living room, I see Soda still sleeping on the couch and Pony sitting on the floor in front of the tv along with Two-Bit.

Dally was in the kitchen eating a plate of eggs while Darry went off to work. I walked over to Two-Bit and Pony and climbed into Two-Bit's lap. 

"Hey, Baby. You feelin' any better?" He asks. I nod my head.

"Good morning, Ollie" Pony says and leans over to kiss my forehead. 

"Mornin" I say. Dally comes in the living room and sits down next to us. He takes me out of    Two-Bit's lap and into his. "Good morning, baby" He says and gives me a kiss. I hum against his lips before pulling away.

Soda starts turning on the couch before he slowly sits up, rubbing his eyes. He glances around before turning towards where we were sitting and hopping off of the couch.

"Ollie! Baby! Are you feeling okay?" He asks, grabbing me from Dally and holding me in his arms.

Nodding my head, I tuck it into his neck.

"Thanks for taking care of me yesterday, guys" I say, loud enough for everyone to hear. 

"Of course, baby. Glad you're feeling better" Pony says. 

After we all get dressed for the day, we sit around trying to decide on what to do. Soda took off today while Steve still had to go to work. Two wraps his arms around my waist and suggest we go to my house for the day. 

Suddenly I remember that Pony and I still have a project to finish for school.

"Pony!" I yelled as we were heading out the door. 

He, along with the others, turn around.

"Pony, we still have the project for school to finish!" He looks at me with wide eyes before rushing towards his room and grabbing all the stuff we need to finish it. 

"We can finish it at my house" I say and we all walk out of the house. On the way there, we stop at Johnny's house and ask him if he wants to join. 

We all start walking to my house after Johnny agrees and gets ready.

Once we make it to my house, my mom is sitting there, on the couch watching tv. She glances over and notices all the boys behind me.

"Hey Ollie" She says. "Are these your boyfriends?" 

"Mom!" I whine, covering my face with my hands. I just sigh and nod. "Steve is at work though"

Soda steps forward and smiles.

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