Chapter 12

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---Ollie's POV---

After hanging out with the gang for the day, it was time to head back to my house and get ready for school tomorrow. 

"Ollllliiiieeee! Do you have to leave?" Two-Bit whined out, grabbing onto me before I could walk out the door. 

"Yes, Two. I have school tomorrow and I'm already going to get in trouble for staying out so late on a school night. I'll see you at school tomorrow, okay?" I say and try to pry him off of me. After finally letting go, he grabs my face and presses his lips against mine.

"I love you" He mumbled against my lips.

"I love you too"

One by one, the boys said goodbye to me before I finally left and started the walk towards my house. 

When I finally get home, mom and dad were sitting in the dining room, dinner spread out on the table.

I awkwardly walk towards my usual spot and sit down. 

"Look, Oll-" My dad starts.

"It's fine dad. You said what you said" I say, poking my food with my fork. "I think I'm going to head to bed. Don't want to be tired for school tomorrow. Thank you for dinner" Getting up from my seat, I head upstairs, ignoring the calls from my parents and closing my bedroom door. 

I change into my pj's and brush my teeth before turning off my light and crawling into bed. 


"Ollie, time to get up sweetie"

I slowly open my eyes and glance at my mom leaning over my bed. 

"Pony, Johnny and Keith are waiting downstairs for you"

I sit up, rubbing my eyes. I pull my blankets off of me as mom leaves my room and sends the boys up. Pony stands in the doorway, gently knocking on my door before walking in. 

"Good morning, baby" Pony said, sitting on the edge of my bed. 

"Morning" I say and hop out of bed. I slid on one of Dally's sweatshirts that I stole and some jeans. I slid on my shoes before walking to my bathroom and brushing my teeth. 

After I finished brushing my teeth, I walk back into my room to properly greet the boys. I walk up  to Johnny first, hugging him and giving him a kiss, before doing the same with Pony. When I walked up to Two, he grabbed me and pulled me closer, pushing his lips on mine.

"You know, I think my sweatshirt would look better than that one" He said after pulling away.

"I'm sure it would" I chuckle. "But I'm already dressed so, guess we'll have to wait and see"

We all head downstairs before starting the walk to school.

"Ollie!!" I heard behind me as we all turn around to see who it was. 

We turn around to see Dally running up to us. When he finally reaches us, he wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me in for a hug.

"Is this my sweatshirt?" He said, stopping abruptly. 

"Yea, I took it from the last time we hung out" I say, leaning into his chest. He softly smiles and kisses my head before letting go of the hug. "Have a great day at school, baby"

"I'll see you later, Dal"

We continue the rest of the walk to school before Pony and I head off to our class. We arrived in the classroom and sat down in the back. 

"Did you bring the project?" I asked, turning to Pony.

Pony nodded his head and smiled.

I leaned onto Pony, waiting for the teacher to come in and start class. Pony ran his fingers through my hair before grabbing my hand with his other hand and intertwining them.

"I love you"

I softly smile and turn around to face Pony.

"I love you too"

The teacher soon comes through the door with a frown on her face.

"Sorry I'm late everyone. I had a rough morning so you can do whatever you want. I don't care" She stated before sitting down at her desk and pulling papers out of her bag and started grading them.

Most of the students got up and left the classroom while Pony and I stayed in our seats. "What would you like to do Mr. Curtis?" I ask, using a horrible British accent.

"I don't know my dear. Would you perhaps like to take a walk with me?" Pony replied, with just as bad an accent as mine, extending his hand to me.

I giggle before taking his extended hand.

"Of course my good sir"

Pony and I walk down the school hallways as classes continue on in other rooms.

"Would you perhaps like to come over today? The rest of the gang is going to be there if you wanna" Pony asks.

"Of course"

After walking around the building about three times, the bell finally rings and it's time to head to our next class. I meet up with Johnny outside of our math classroom.

"Bye, Ollie" Pony said, giving me a small hug before walking off to his next class.

"Bye, Pony"

Dreading math class, I slowly walked in and sat in my seat. Unluckily for me, it happened to be right, smack dab in the front of the room.

For whatever reason, this teacher did not like me. Although the feeling is mutual.


After an excruciating long and boring day of school, it was finally time to leave. I met up with Pony, Johnny, and Two at the back of the school so we could start our walk home.

Two insisted on giving me a piggyback ride and had Pony and Johnny carry our bags for us.

Pony and Johnny whined about not being able to hold hands with me but carried the bags and continued on after promises of cuddles later.

When we finally made it to Pony's house, Two set me down and walked up to the front door. The door was unlocked as usual so we just opened the door and walked in.

It worries me how they just leave their front door unlocked for anyone to walk in. I'm afraid one day I'll come here and there'll be a homeless person sitting around.

Johnny and Pony walk in behind us and set the bags down on the couch.

I walk up to Johnny before kissing his cheek and doing the same to Pony.

"Thanks for carrying the bags, guys" I say and smile at them.

They both beam and walk towards the kitchen to get a snack. I lay down on Darry's recliner, ready to take a nap before Two picks me up and sits down on my previous seat.

He grabs my arm and pulls me towards him. I land on his lap and rest my head on his chest before closing my eyes to take a nap.


Anybody want to add Darry to this relationship happening with the gang or no?

(Not edited)

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