Chapter 5: Hurt

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I wake up to Owen prodding me in the ribs, why does he always do this. I open my eyes and see his annoying smile on his face. "Time to go, dad wants you home" Owen laughs. "Fine, I'm getting up. Get out so I can get changed" I say before I throw a heavy pillow at him, missing of course.

After I got showered and changed I pop my head into Sterling's room. He's still asleep so I quietly walk in, stroke his hair and kiss his cheek. It's only 6.30am so I will let him sleep. I make my way downstairs and see Owen and Asher in the kitchen wolfing down an omelette and 4 slices of sourdough each. Asher looks up and walks towards me, before he can say anything I say "I appreciate you being there during my first shift and thank you for running with me when I took off, I haven't told Sterling and I'd like to keep it that way" I raise an eyebrow challenging him to disagree with me. A sad smile forms on Asher's face before he nods at someone behind me. Oh no.

"What are you trying to keep from my Olivia" Sterling says with confusion and hurt in his voice. "I had my first shift last night" I say whilst looking at my feet. "Why didn't you wake me Olivia, I wanted to be there for you and help you through it" Sterling asks nearly begging for an answer.

"I didn't realise it was happening before I got outside and I accidentally woke Asher up whilst running past him. Had I known what was about to happen, I would have woken you" I say whilst Mia says 'I liked it better this way' in my head. "So why don't you want to tell me" Sterling asks again. Asher walks up to him, saying "let her be, she had a big night. Let her go home and we can talk later" he says in his Alpha tone. Sterling looks at me, still expecting and answer but I say nothing. What am I meant to say? 'My wolf submitted to your older brother and liked it?' Mia shouts in my mind, nope can't say that. After waiting for 30 seconds Sterling shakes his head and walks away.

I feel silent tears stream down my face, I see Asher's hand move towards my shoulder, I assume to comfort me. Before he reaches me I spin around, grab Owen's wrist "let's go home" I state whilst pulling him behind me. He just chuckles at the scene he just witnessed. I can't wait till he meets a girl and I can watch him embarrass himself!

"So.... did you want to start or should I?" Owen asks me as we walk home. "What's there to say?" I look at him with a sad smile. "Your wolf is beautifully, Jack will be so excited to see you in your wolf form. Mum and Dad will be so proud but also sad that they didn't get to be there"  he says proudly. "I guess it would have gone down a little differently then" I say. We don't say anything again until we are outside of our parents house.

"You know what, let's go for a coffee before we go inside!" Owen states. I know he wants to talk more. "Fine but you're paying" I laugh. The walk to the cafe is 10 mins, we take our time, it's Saturday morning after all. "I didn't mean to submit to Asher like that you know" I say embarrassed, we both know he saw that. "I know Olivia, you don't need to be embarrassed in front of me. I'm your big brother and will have your back no matter what!" he says kindly.

"What do you mean?" I ask. "Well, there was clearly something there, at least between your wolves. You know it's ok to love more than one person during your life. I know your with Sterling right now but that doesn't mean you will only be with him during your life." He says knowingly and not condescendingly.

"I don't know what you mean" I rebuttal. I don't want to be with anyone other than Sterling. Sterling and I made a promise. "It was nothing, I only submitted like that because of him being the further Alpha, that's all Owen" I say trying to convince myself but Mia isn't buying it. "If you say so Olivia, but wolves don't just do that for no reason for their Alpha. I've not seen Alphas do that to she-wolfs other than ones they like",  Owen says.

"Maybe, but my wolf was in control, it wasn't me!" I don't know if I am angry or sad. We get to the cafe and order two latte's before chatting about the weekend. We are going camping with a Jack tonight, just the three of us. Jack loves to hang out with Owen, as he doesn't live with our parents anymore we go camping once a month just the three of us. Our parents are happy to have us out of the house for a night and the three of us love that they don't come along.

We walk home and I know my parents will interrogate me about my first shift as soon as we get home. I really appreciate that Owen took me for coffee first and that he really doesn't seem to judge me about what happen last night. I think he wants me to be happy. Which I am of course, I tell Mia and myself.

"Mum, Dad, Jack" Owen shouts whilst opening the front door, "guess what colour her wolf is?". "What??" our mum shouts running with her hands in the air into the hallway. She pushes Owen out of the way and hugs me so tight, I just pat her back awkwardly. "We are so proud of you" my dad says leaning against the wall. "Show me, show me. Let's get into the garden. Come on Olivia, Owen, let's go." Jake urges us into the back garden. "Fine" I chuckle, "but turn around, I like these jeans".

I shift into my mostly white wolf, letting Mia take control. She looks into the forest and sees a black wolf with a white paw, Asher's wolf. I forgot to ask his wolfs name, then again it really ain't any of my business and I'm not really interested anyway. Mia let's out a whining sound, before I give her a mental nudge to focus on our family. Jack runs towards me and pats me like a dog. I nudge him off me, 'we are a she-wolf not a dog' Mia grumbles in our mind. "We will have to get the alpha to mind link you into the pack, he's gone for a few more days so I'll talk to Asher later today sweetheart" my dad says. Mia let's put a audible purr at the mention of Asher's name, great, thanks Mia. Owen just laughs at this. Mia jumps up and down, I hope they think it's because I'm happy to be in my wolf form and not because she heard Asher's name.

I call my best friend from school Em later that day, telling her that Asher and I had a moment. Not that I told her every detail, she doesn't know I'm a werewolf but just enough that she knows Sterling is upset and I'm confused at what happened.

Owen packs our camping stuff for tonight, Jack helping with everything wanting to do exactly as Owen does as usual. I just pack some camp fire food for tonight and let them do the rest. We are heading out in an hour, it's just a 45 min drive away still on pack land but it's nice for the three of us to get away for a night even if it's just down the road.

I think about the last time we went, it was our family and Sterling's family. We were still just best friends then, 'maybe it was simpler that way' Mia interjects. I shut Mia out, I know I want Sterling and don't need her complicating things.

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