Chapter 14: Senese of Direction

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I wake up and Asher is no longer in my bed. I don't know if I'm happy or sad about this, maybe it would have been awkward between us this morning? Maybe Asher changed his mind and thinks I'm too much drama with everything going on with Sterling. I've decided to make a clear cut with Sterling, but that I really have a choice as he accepted him mate Maggie last night. I reach for the note left on my bedside table.

Olivia, in sorry I left without saying goodbye. I had Alpha business come up and you looked too peaceful for me to wake you up.

I will pick you up for our date at 4pm, weather something you are comfortable in. I look forward to seeing you soon and please mind link me if you need me.

Yours - Asher

I'm actually a little excited for our date. It's Saturday night and Sterling and I would normally hang out on weekends, I guess I need to make new weekend plans from now on.

"Luna, get out of bed" Owen is knocking on my door and opens it before I even get to answer. I throw my pillow at him "I'm no ones Luna!" I growl at him playfully. "That's not what Asher told be when I caught him sneaking out of your room half an hour ago" he laughs. I just roll my eyes in response, great so my mate and my older brother are best friends, will anything I'm my life still be private now? I'm not sure how much they tell each other but enough for me to get red at the thought of any future details Asher might share with Owen.

My parents talk to me over breakfast that that they are proud of me for not rejecting my mate. My mum wants to talk about what it means to be a Luna but I'm not ready for that. I tell them I'll be back soon and make my way out sog the house. I know I need to apologies to Sterling so I make my way to his parents house.

I know and his dad Brett opens the door, "Olivia, come here" he says with open arms and gives me a tight hug. "I know everything is complicate droht now but you will be ok" he says reassuringly to me. I see Maggie coming down the stairs and my eyes water when I see her fresh mark on her neck. I need to stop these feelings, this is my fault and I need to live with the consequences. "He doesn't want to see you" I nod and just leave not before catching his sent all over her, I can tell they have fully mated.

I shift into my wolf form once I get to the edge of the forest and Mia just runs. I don't know where she is going but she seems to have a direction. We get to a small clearing with a beautiful yellow house in the centre of it, it's not to far from my house so I don't know how I haven't found it before. I'm admiring the house when I see Asher and Owen in the garden throwing a rugby ball back and forth to one another.

This must be Asher's house and I have to admit, he has good taste. "You don't need to hide you know, come join us if you like" Asher had spotted me or smelt my presence in the forrest. I walk up to Owen and stand my his side in my wolf form, I didn't bring clothes with me. "I'll be back with some clothes" Asher says knowingly.

He comes back holding a black T-shirt and some shots for me. I appreciate it's not white as I don't want him to see anything that he shouldn't. Asher drops the clothes and both guys turn around as to not watch me shift . "I'm sorry guys, I didn't mean to interrupt. I shifted and Mia couldn't stay away" I blush. Asher beans at me like it's the best thing he's ever heard and Owen just rolls his eyes whilst saying "Mates".

"Your welcome to stay here until I kick Owen out for our date, we can go past your house to pick up some clothes later", Asher says smiling at me. I fell comfortable being around him and Mia and I are at peace with one another for the first time shined our first shift where Asher was there fir us. I just watch and laugh at the boys as the play football. They take a break and we talk about pack business and at first I was surprised they were doing it in front of me, then I remember I might be Luna one day.

"Sorry Owen, but Olivia and I have a date in 20 mins. Want me to drop you off when I bring Olivia home to change?" Asher's says bluntly to Owen. I like their open communication. "Shot gun, I don't want to sit behind you two love birds" I roll my eyes but see Asher beaming at the words love birds.

We get into Ashers black Range Rover and he drops me off first so I have time to change before he drives off with Owen towards the pack house.

I run upstairs, I want to be ready in 10 mins. When I get into my room that's when the nerves and guilt hits me. I've only ever been on dates with Sterling. Am I even ready to date someone else so sooner, yet alone his older brother? I guess there's only one way I will find out if I am ready or not is by going on the date. I also remind myself that Sterling is now mates with Maggie so I need to stop letting that hold me back if I really want to give Asher a fair go with this mates thing.

I roll up my high waisted skinny jeans past my ankles, a put in a white baggy T-shirt and tuck it in and I'll wear my white sneakers on my way out. I look in the mirror, should I put makeup on? I put makeup on for Sterling on most of our dates, but Asher has seen me the past few hours with no makeup on and in baggy clothes and still smiled every time he looked at me. I decide not to put any on as he told he to be comfortable for our date to I just put my hair in a bun and apply lip balm.

I place my phone, lip balm and sunnies in my smaller Ballack leather handbag, ok I'm ready I try and get the nerves out of my system.

'I'm outside sweetheart, I'll wait as long as you need to finish getting ready' Asher mind links me. Mia purrs in my head at the sounds of sweetheart. Sterling never called me that. No stop comparing, they are two different boys, of course they are going to be different. Mia interrupts my thoughts, 'No one is a boy and one is a man' she says in my mind seduction in her voice. I block her out at this, too much too soon.

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